Thursday, 6 December 2012

Beginning to feel a lot like.......WINTER!!

It has been really cold over the last week and the dogs really don't do winter!!  They just want to snuggle all the time, which is fine by me as I really have been feeling lousy with these darn ears of mine, yes the doctor has confirmed that I have an ear infection in both ears.  So sitting on the couch with a couple of Chihuahuas down my sweatshirt, suits me just fine, thank you! 

Yoda and Kara don't do winters.....actually they don't do mornings either really!

It's a hard life being a dog!!
Lucy (Min Pin) and the three Chihuahuas are exhausted! 
(L-R Lucy, Suki, Choco and Yoda) Kara is inside her dads hoodie!

Sitting around doing not much of anything has given me the excuse (as if I need one!) to drool over other peoples photos of dolls on the internet, as I've not really been taking any of my own recently.  One photo that I found a little while ago, and really helped push me into getting my Devon, is this photo of a little Gregor, known as Ludo and he lives, I believe in sunny California.  He is owned by a contact of mine on Flickr, TuSabesBlythe, a Blythe collector who obviously enjoys other dolls too.  I just think that this little lad looks so 'cool' and he has just the sort of look that I'd like Devon (Gregor) to adopt once I get a bit more enthusiam going for sewing for my dolls!  I love his whole look, from the cute newsboy cap to the way he is standing there so nonchantly whilst his photo is taken!  Don't you agree?

Photo shared with kind permission of TuSabesBlythe:



  1. I had an ear infection several years ago. I was shocked at how painful it was! It made me much more sympathetic when my children get them. I hope you are well on the road to recovery.

    1. Thanks Julie and yes, feels like someone is pushing a red hot needle into my ears! But hopefully it'll go soon, and hopefully also, my hearing will come back...deafness is no fun.
      Hugs Sharon x

  2. I agree, Ludo's certainly got 'THE LOOK' as have your little dogs.
    Hope that you'll soon be feeling better.
    Sasha love from Kendal.

    1. Thanks so much Kendal, I hope so too...and I'm sure it won't be long now!
      Yes, Ludo is a real cool dude, I have to say! I think Devon is looking a bit worried because I'm afraid the poor boy is a bit of a geeky kid! But I love him all the same!
      Hugs Sharon x

  3. Sorry to 'EAR about your infection :) (Sorry couldn't resist!) Your dogs are gorgeous Sharon!! I love the picture of the two snuggled up in your sweatshirt :)

    1. Oh dear! You are WAX-iny lyrical this morning!!! :)
      Thanks on the photos, they are such a snuggly pair! I really need a 'multi-cup' bra to accomodate them all!
      Hugs Sharon x


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