Monday 10 March 2014

Nautical but nice!

I finished an outfit yesterday and thought that it really needed to be photographed with boats in the background as it has a nautical theme.  This morning I drove a few kilometres to a local marina at a place called Caleta de Velez to take some photos.  However, it was so incredibly windy that poor Wren looks like she's been dragged through a hedge backwards....but she looks great compared to how my hair looked once we got back to the car!!!

I was hoping that there might have been a boat owner about and I could have asked politely if I could stand her on their boat deck to take some photos but it was very quiet, just a few walkers and that was it.  And unless you have a special keycard, you can't gain access to the boat jetties. :(

The seagulls came out in force, I guess they thought Wren might have something for them!  Whereas I think Wren thought that they might think she was what they were after!!

"Erm, yes, that little girl in red looks like a tasty morsel!"

Definitely No Fishing!!


  1. That is such a cute outfit! The windblown hair looks very natural, I think! :D

    1. Thanks very much Lynn.....and yes, that wind was very natural....I looked like a scarecrow! It is a good job I didn't have my own photo taken!

  2. Wren looks adorable in her nautical outfit & ready for action! Poor girl looks quite disappointed with not being able to go onboard & quite angry at those pesky sea gulls! Love the 3rd photo from the bottom!

    1. Thanks Nikola. It was a shame that she couldn't get on one of the expensive boats....I did offer her the opportunity of getting on an old, possibly leaky and abandoned, row boat but she turned her little nose up at that!!!!

  3. Another great outfit. Wren looks lovely having her photo taken down by the Marina, get location for her oufit as you so righly say.
    I do love when the wind is blowing their hair around makes it look so natural.
    Hugs Dee

    1. Thank you Dee, glad you like them! You're right, the wind blown look is very natural. It wasn't cold but it was just sooooo windy. She fell over about 5 times, poor girl!

  4. My favourite is the 5th photo - the perspective works really well and her hair being stirred by the wind is exactly right. lovely outfit.

    1. Thanks very much Anna, glad you liked the photos.

  5. I agree about the wind, Wren's hair looks great, and such lovely pictures! She looks like she belongs there with the boats :-).

    1. Thank you Nymphaea, I think she would be a natural sailor!!!

  6. That's just what I wanted to suggest when I just saw your facebook photos - but I don't think you could have done much better even if she had sneaked on board one of the yachts - these pictures are such fun and as the others have said the wind just added to the naturalness. They could almost have been taken in Lymington or Poole harbours except for the wonderful light in your part of Spain. Love them.

    1. Thanks very much Jude! I do like being able to be by the water to take the photos, and as you say, the light is really good down really helps with the photos of darker skinned girls like this one! I went to Poole Harbour once, it was lovely. There is something about seeing boats bobbing about on the water, it's very relaxing.

  7. what a poppet - lovely outfit!

  8. There's many more of us who have to agree with the seagull's commnent 'She looks a tasty morsel!'
    The perfect setting for this cute little madam in her nautical outfit.
    (This was MY holiday setting {Plymoth, Portsmouth, Lymington, Poole, Sandbanks , Pwellehi and Deganwy} for many years...... but alas no longer! No fun growing older!)

    1. LOL, thanks Kendal, I'm glad he didn't take a bite out of her, those seagulls are quite big, aren't they!!!!
      I used to live a couple of miles from Southend on Sea before we left the UK (yes, I'm an Essex girl through and through! LOL) and although Southend is a bit erm, well a bit 'that' anyway, in other places along the estuary there, such as Thorpe Bay, it's really nice and lovely to watch the little boats bobbing on the water. I've always been a person who wants to be by the water.......I love it!

  9. She 's lovely in her outfit and the background is perfect.
    At this scene I expect sun -and wind. Smells like holidays...

    1. Yes, that is exactly what it was like Anne, except for the wind. It was sunny and out of the wind it was warm, in the wind it was not cold but a bit chilly....although my husband said it was cold!!!
      Luckily we were a bit later in the morning because earlier in the day they have all the nets laid out with the catch for people to buy...and then it is a bit stinky from all that fish....the nets alone smell quite strongly too!
      But I sooo love the smell of sunshine on skin, the sea and seaweed...perfect!

  10. Oh wie schön! Die Fotos sind herrlich, ja man fühlt sich gleich in Ferienstimmung und kann förmlich das Meer riechen. Das Outfit hast du sehr gut hinbekommen, Sharon. Der weisse Hut im Marinestil gefällt mir super!

    1. Danke sehr viel Barbara, ich bin froh, dass Sie wie die Fotos. Ich liebe auch den Geruch des Meeres, es bringt wieder so glücklichen Erinnerungen der Kindheit Badeurlaub.

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous photos!!! Wonderful nautical outfit on your lovely girl. The bright, sunny scenes make me long for the seaside. Just what I love to see as the snow came and went again this week here but I have hope for pretty days ahead. Thank you Sharon :)

    1. Thanks so much Ginger, I'm glad you're enjoying this bit of sunshine if only through my photos. I do feel for you with the snow....I like snow when I'm looking out of a window at it and it's great for photos, but honestly, when you have to carry on with your lives, it doesn't make things very easy, does it? I hope your weather improves soon!! Hugs Sharon x


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