Tuesday 9 February 2016

A Girl for All Time Lydia...

I never really had any interest in purchasing one of the 'A Girl For All Time' dolls but a lovely lady in France asked me to do some work for her and wondered if I would like to trade for her A Girl For All Time Lydia.  I had heard that the dolls were well made and being a UK company, I thought it would be nice to see for myself.  For those of you who don't know of this company and their dolls, more information can be found here on their website:

A Girl For All Time

So the doll arrived yesterday and my first thought was "maybe she's not for me" because she came in her original outfit which, although very well made and containing many pieces, it just didn't seem to suit her.  It is lemon for a start and I felt if made her look a bit washed out with her dark hair and dark blue eyes.  But also because Lydia is the company's Georgian girl and I'm really only into more modern dolls to be honest.  Here is a photo of Lydia in her default outfit, not my photo because I forgot to take a 'before' one!

However, I'm always willing to give things a go, so I undressed her and had a look at her face which I felt was a little bit pale for a girl who's going to be living quite an 'outdoors' life here in Spain.  So I added a bit of colour to her cheeks, some blush to her nose and chin and I filled her eyebrows in a little with black watercolour pencil.  Then it was time to find some clothes for her to wear.

Well it seems that Lydia is no shrinking violet and was not prepared to put on a dress, oh no, this young lady tells me that she is a thoroughly modern miss and wanted to wear jeans, but not any old jeans, oh no, she wanted to wear these torn jeans!  So on they went and then it was a tee shirt and finally matching beanie hat and arm warmers!  Oh not forgetting the denim sneakers of course!  All she wants now, apparently, is a skateboard!!

Now there's a turn up for the books!

Lydia is about 16 inches tall and has jointed elbows and knees in addition to the usual joints at the shoulders, neck and top of the legs, however the knees don't hold a pose because they are elastic strung so they just immediately go back to where they want to be!  But she's cute all the same!

My doll shelves are starting to bow with the weight of all these newcomers!!! :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So glad to see a girl for all time in Spain with you :) I got Lydia for Christmas from , well me! I just love her face and eye hair combo. Being a lover of history these dolls are right up my street but I knew she'd go modern in your capable hands ! I love what you have done with her, giving her more colour and an up to the minute outfit.
    Looks like this Georgian miss as travelled to the newest century! :)xx

    1. Thanks very much Dee, they're very nice dolls and the quality is great. I remember seeing your Lydia gliding across your Sasha's living room on your blog. I think my Lydia would probably STOMP across!
      Maybe we should make the AGATs a Time Machine!! ;)

  2. I love the difference in her face after your updates - you've really made her come alive! I'm used to seeing this dolls in period outfits, but she really looks at home in modern clothes as well.

    I've thought about picking up Matilda (the Tudor girl) - mostly for her outfit, if I'm honest - but now that they've previewed the Elizabethan girl and the modern pair, I'm holding off until we see what they look like in their final forms.

    1. Thank you very much JS, she does look like she fits right in in this century, doesn't she! I really like the Tudor girls outfit, it looks so nicely made, but yes, those two new girls look interesting, I particularly like the girl from Indiaa, they'll be interesting to see.

  3. Hi Sharon,
    She has a lovely shaped face and I love that she has become a time traveller and relocated to this century! Her styling is very much up to date, you've done a great job. :)
    Can you please tell me what she is made of, and if her eyes be changed? Thanks.

    1. Thanks very much Xanadu. Yes, her face shape is different to all my other vinyl girls here, they have the more rounded shape of younger girls, so she sort of stands out a bit as being smaller but older, if you know what I mean. She is a nice size and shape though, I'm quite taken with her now.
      She is made of all vinyl and although I haven't changed her eyes, they can indeed be changed. You would have to remove the wig and then cut into the top of the head to do so though. Fortunately I quite like this dark blue on her so will hold off for the time being. If I changed them though, I would definitely put them in a different position, they look a bit to staring for my taste to be honest.

  4. I love the make-up you changed, the blush is adorable! She looks great in the modern outfit! I love the t-shirt too, is it your design? Great job on the new look :-).

    1. Thanks very much Linda. I think that bit of blush just brings her to life more. It's like when doing a faceup isn't it, you do all the work on the eyes, lips, lashes and brows but adding the blush just sets it all off!
      No, the tee shirt is actually one of those ones that you can get in souvenir shops, on a little hanger with a suction cup that you put in the window of a car! A great find!

  5. Love the way you have dressed her S!! She looks SO different and much nicer IMO

  6. I keep returning to these dolls as the history aspect appeals to me - but I love what you've done to her - she looks fantastic - like the TV prog '10 Years Younger' - only about 200 years!

    1. I'm the opposite Tricia, I like dolls in this century...or I should really say, since the latter half of last century too, because I quite like the 1040s one of these dolls, but all my dolls are dressed in modern day clothing. I suppose that is the fun of dolls, we can do what we like with them really and enjoy them still :)
      They are certainly very nice quality and I think they should be able to share Sasha clothes and shoes, I've yet to check though.

  7. I have never really been interested in these dolls either, but I do love the newer 60s girl. :) I love Lydia's makeover! I always do such a great job with transforming dolls into something more vibrant and beautiful. That is what I love about this hobby. I always get a new perspective of different dolls through people's customization and creative photography!

    1. Thanks a lot Farrah, I'm glad you enjoy seeing the makeovers though this one has only really had a small makeover :)
      Have you seen the new ones from the Nuremburg Toy Fair? There are two new girls and one is an Indian girl (from India as opposed to Native American Indian) and she is really nice.

  8. ciekawa lalka -
    ładny t-shirt :)

  9. Lydia has been wonderfully transformed and looks fantastic with her "blushing and brow" enhancements. I love her outfit and especially the jeans though the shirt sleeves with matching hat are just perfect for her. Way to go Sharon! Another beautiful girl with you in sunny Spain!! Hugs coming your way! :) xxx

    1. Thanks very much Ginger :)
      And big hugs to you too as always!


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