Sunday 11 February 2018

The Himstedts get some camera time.....

This weekend we spent time at our house in Sevilla Province as my son Brendan is here for a week from the UK and wanted to spend a bit of time seeing his friends.  Apart from the fact that the house is like an ice covered in it's not been lived in for ages, it was nice to be back, if only for a short time.  But yes, the house was COLD!  I wore so many clothes to bed, including a knitted hat, that when I got up this morning it was like peeling an onion to get in the shower, so many layers...and still I was cold!!! 

However today it was lovely in the sunshine in our sheltered garden, so I decided to take some photos of my Himstedt girls as I miss photographing them as they're just too big to have with me at the coast. 

So first we have Kiomi, who I call Kimmie.  Kimmie is from the Himstedt Kinder 2005
"World's Children Summit", she is 82cm or 36 inches tall, and she represents a child from Japan.  I love her eyes, which unfortunately you cannot see very clearly here as the sun was so bright!  She is from a limited edition of 713 dolls.  Kimmie is wearing real children's clothes and sneakers. 


Secondly we have Sidika, who is 73cm tall (28.5 inches) and is known here as Sydney.  Sydney is from the same 2005 collection as Kiomi, but she represents a child from India.  She is also from a limited edition of 713 dolls.   I love her sweet childish face and her open mouth and little teeth showing!  Sydney is wearing a dress and blouse that I made for her using my own patterns.  Her boots and tights are for real children.

Both girls have human hair wigs and their gorgeous eyes are hand blown glass paperweight eyes which I believe are made in Germany.

Sydney was distracted by some white doves on the roof of our house! ;) 

I hope you've enjoyed seeing Kimmie and Sydney playing in the sunshine in our garden!  I'm sure you'll agree that Annette Himstedt has done a fantastic job of representing real children in vinyl.   If you'd like to see more photos of Himstedt dolls, which are sadly no longer made, there is a lovely website here that I can highly recommend for some gorgeous eye candy! 

Thanks for visiting!  I hope you have a great week ahead and that you're not too cold where you are :)

Hugs Sharon x


  1. What a trip down memory lane! I used to collect Himmies but they took up too much room! I loved the collections from 2005, 2007 and 2008 and must admit was sorry they ceased production,a bit like Sasha dolls really...although Sashas are normally a lot easier/cheaper to track down!

    1. That's the thing Ronny, they really do take up so much space. At one point I think I had 8 and there was just no room for me in my doll room so I sold them all! Shame really because they are such gorgeous dolls, I wish I'd kept them but I do look at their photos sometimes which suffices!
      I loved the collections from 2004 onwards, and the neck fittings from 2005 onwards!!

  2. These dolls are so realistic! I could imagine someone thinking they were at a glance!
    I've seen one or two now and then that i have like the look of but they are too big alas for me.
    Thanks for sharing them, I'd almost forgotten you had two :) xxx

    1. Yes, you're right Dee, they really are realistic. I took a photo of one of my old ones in the car wearing a seatbelt and you really would have thought she was a small child who needed a booster seat!!!
      But yes, they're too big really :(
      I almost forgot myself that I had them seeing as they are not here at the coast but I was determined that whilst we were at our house last weekend, I would take their photos and the weather was kind to me!!! (Except for the cold!)

  3. Hi Sharon!
    Oh I do love your Sydney, she is beautiful and has the most wonderful smile. My friend Diane has quite a number of these dolls (she's the one with all the portable school rooms full of dolls). There have been times when I have visited her and thought she had live children sitting in her lounge room . . . they are so lifelike when they are tall enough to be real. :)
    P.S. I love Sydney's clothes too!

    1. Thank you very much Sandi, and I agree on her smile although sometimes I expect her to shut her mouth! ;) It must be amazing to have whole 'scenes' of these dolls because yes, they're so realistic! Your friend must have a lot of room to store them all in!!

    2. Yes, she has plenty of room, her house sits in 35 acres and she has six portable class rooms full of dolls, doll houses, prams etc. it's like a museum full of toys. :)

  4. A beautiful post Sharon but I don’t like thinking of you being so cold...especially during shower time. 😬. So, I am thinking of you in the warm sunlight with your beautiful Himstedt dolls Kimmie and Sydney. They look so lovely and I especially like the outfit that you made for Sydney, just so lovely. I have a few Himstedt dolls, one is large but the others are smaller. I have a couple of Tinke dolls and a few of the even smaller Kleine dolls that are nice sitting with Sasha dolls. The Himstedt dolls are all so well made and beautifully dressed. Thank you for sharing your Himstedt girls. 😊 XXX

    1. Thank you very much Ginger, I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the Himmies! I didn't realise that you have them too! I would love to see them one day, do you have any photos anywhere?
      I love those little ones you mention, they're so cute and their size makes them so much more manageable. I have looked at them when they occasionally appear on ebay and am often very tempted!!!

  5. Kimmie and Sydney are two adorable girls! Enjoyed this post and the photos! It looks so warm and cozy in the sun!
    I have not heard about Himstedt girls, so I think I need to do some searching. They seem to be a bit larger, am I right?
    Enjoy the weekend!


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