Friday 30 March 2018

This and That.....

I've had a busy couple of weeks so my blog has had to take a back seat, but finally I had a little bit of dolly time and took the opportunity to change the clothes on a few girls as well as the wig on another.

Firstly Chloe my tanned Fairyland Mini Fee got a change of clothes and wig.  The great thing with this doll is she fits clothing made for the Ellowyne dolls by Robert Tonner, so here she is wearing the cutest jacket from his company, trousers from Elfdoll and a crop top which I've had for ages.  Her lovely Mary Jane shoes are custom made by a lady here in Spain.

Sam, my tiny Elfdoll Hana Angel with her replacement Jerry Berry body, changed into her torn jeans, a long tee shirt and her special cable knitted beanie....

Gala, my Milky Tan Adori by Harucasting, received a very cute gift of a Chihuahua teeshirt from my dear friend Sue in the UK, and she's been dying to show it off to you!  Unfortunately it was a bit chilly so she had to put her coat on to go outside and have her photos taken but hopefully soon she'll be able to wear it with her shorts and sandals!

Scarlett, my customised Kidz n Cats Alice, got to go out to the Bio Parc in Fuengirola last week, so here are a few photos of her enjoying the aquarium and the sunshine there....although it was quite cold, so she was dressed for the weather!

Leone, my Zwergnase Junior Violet, went for a walk by the lake in La ViƱuela, it was a lovely day, one of the first really sunny days we've had recently....the lake is looking a bit fuller after all the rain too, although it's still very low unfortunately.

The lake definitely looks beautiful though.....

In other news, I have continued with my morning walks, although we've had some very changeable weather recently so I've made good use of the treadmill and weights at the gym.  Here are some photos from my walks....despite rain and high winds, we have also had some beautiful sunshine, so there are definite signs of spring around here!!

El Torre de a watch tower which sits high on the cliff overlooking the coastal road and the beach below.  It is believed to be from the  13th to 14th centuriesI often walk up to the tower and have shown close up photos of it in the past,  but on this occasion I walked inland so that I could get a good view of it from a similar height....according to my fitness watch, the climb up to the base of the tower is the equivalent of walking up about 25+ flights of stairs!

Due to all the rain, one of my routes now has a stream running along the track which me and Lucy, my Miniature Pinscher, have to jump over a few is quite fast running, crystal clear water and approx one metre wide in places and several centimetres deep!

I spotted this rainbow a few days ago....

And some very threatening looking grey clouds!

Finally some beautiful blue skies!  These two photos were taken in the olive groves high above the coast, it was peaceful and warm, with just the sound of the birds for company.....

The sea is just visible through the olive trees....

Signs of spring!  The first poppies that I've seen this year....

And loads of daisies everywhere!

Well I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my photos! 

Thank you for visiting!

 I wish you all a very Happy Easter, or  Feliz Pascua as they say here in Spain.  

Big hugs Sharon xx


  1. Hello there! Wonderful photos and I enjoyed them a lot. It is lovely to see the sun and surroundings where others live. I'm at our cottage for Easter and did not take any dolls along this time. So now I miss them....the snow that came would have given me many funny and even nice photos, well well....
    Gala looks like she really loves her new t-shirt! She looks so proud in the second photo of her. The other dolls look so cute in their new clothes. Scarlett had fun at the Bio Parc and would have enjoyed the trip there with her. It was a long time ago I visited a place like that, almost 10 years. Gosh, time goes by fast.
    Happy Easter Hugs!

    1. Thank you Niina, I hope you had a great Easter and yes, I can imagine missing my dolls if I went somewhere and didn't take one with me. I think snow does make for great photos, well hopefully next time!

  2. Always enjoy your blogposts to see just how the other half over in Spain lives!

    1. Thanks Kendal! I'm glad you enjoy them :)

  3. Love seeing all the dolls getting a change of clothes and a chance to shine with their photos on the blog. Life does get in the way of our doll time , so it's nice when you get a chance to enjoy some.
    I love the little t shirt from Sue, it looks great on Gala and I do love your K&K girl Scarlet looks great in her warm clothes.

    I also love the photos from your walks and the olive grove looks so inviting with warm sunshine and the lure of that blue sea in the distance. You must be wasting away with all this walking! ;) Wish I could get my act in gear!
    Have a great Easter , hugs XXXX

    1. Thanks Dee, I'm glad you enjoy the photos, I have lots more for you soon!

  4. What a fantastic post! Your dolls are so beautifully dressed and very special too. I have to say your photos of Spain really captured my heart this time. The beautiful flowers, skylines, the beach and tower plus a rainbow! It makes you want to be there. Gorgeous! ❤️ XXX

    1. Thank you Ginger :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
      You know you're always welcome!

  5. Wonderful post and photos Sharon, I always enjoy walking down the road with you as you enjoy your morning walk. The poppies look lovely and I must add the girls are all looking quite smashing in their outfits, love the little Chihuahua t-shirt (though at first glance I thought it was a bear) LOL! :)
    Hope you are enjoying Easter.

    1. Thank you Sandi, I'm glad you enjoy the posts and it's nice to have company on my walks sometimes!
      Yes, that little Chi does look a bit like a bear, doesn't he!

  6. Happy Easter Sharon. Lovely photos as always - wish I was there!!

    1. Thank you Rosie, I hope you had a lovely Easter too :)

  7. Happy Easter S!! Great post...I LOVE the little chihuahua T cute is that....I want one to fit me!!

    1. Thank you Ronny, I hope you had a good one too....I'm so slow responding to these posts that Easter seems ages ago now!

  8. Wonderful photos! All of the outfits are perfect, but that Chihuahua shirt is just too cute. :)

    1. Thanks very much jS, glad you enjoyed them!


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