Friday 9 November 2018

An Amazing Coincidence!

I feel like just recently I'm always posting about new arrivals and today is no exception, but I must tell you the story behind this latest adoption because it was so funny how it came about.

The doll in question is called Ziya and she is sculpted by the French artist of Youpladolls.  My dear friend Sue in the UK had one of these dolls and I always thought she was lovely, so when Sue mentioned to me that she was thinking of selling her, my ears pricked up.  But it seemed Sue was a little bit undecided because the doll had been a surprise gift from her husband and she wasn't sure if she should sell or not, but the doll wasn't getting any attention.  In the doll hobby we collectors are like "if the dolls not getting attention then maybe it should go to someone who will love it more....bye!"

Anyway, Sue was undecided at that point and I thought that I'd wait until she listed her for sale before mentioning my interest.  I'm such a worrier that I was reluctant to say that I'd like to adopt her in case Sue thought I was after 'mates rates' or something!  So, as I said already, I waited in the hope that as soon as she listed her for sale, I could go for her at the asking price.  Alas, the saying 'he who hesitates is lost' springs to mind because the following day Sue happily tells me that she's sold her Ziya, the doll was snapped up straight away.  Oh well, I thought, it was not to be!

In the meantime, the artist behind the doll had had a stand at L Doll in Lyon, France and the event had just finished so I emailed her to ask if there were any dolls left over, I would be interested in purchasing one.  But within a few hours I'd had a reply to say that there weren't any tan dolls left after the that was that, it obviously wasn't to be!

I decided that I'd just catch up on some emails that I'd been meaning to do for ages.  I started with another lovely dolly friend, Jane in the UK, as I'd owed her a reply for ages.  I started typing out my email, telling Jane all my recent dolly news and about the new arrivals.  Then I told her what I'd been up to and how I'd been trying to buy Ziya and what had happened.  I sent the email and moved on.  

Within minutes an email came winging it's way back to me from Jane.  She'd read about my search and was amazed that she had, that very same day, made a decision to sell her Ziya!!!!  Was I interested in her?  Well, how funny was that! The only reason Jane's doll was not yet up for sale was because she'd not yet got around to taking photos for potential buyers!  So of course I said yes!!!  I would love to adopt her doll and that's exactly what I did!!!

So Ziya arrived a few days ago, she took less than a week to arrive from the UK and she is lovely.  Her name previously was Angeline but I have shortened that to Angel.  Jane sent her wig, eyes, an outfit and shoes!  Such a lovely parcel to open 😃  The doll is tanned and she is MSD size, in fact she is a smaller MSD at 39cm tall.  She wears a 6.5 inch wig and 10mm eyes.  I've not taken many photos of her yet because I've had a very busy week but you can be sure that I'll be taking more photos very soon.

She was a little pale from living in the UK 😉 so I added some blush and some tiny freckles across her nose and cheeks.  They look a lot more prominent in the photos than they do in real life for some reason!  I've not sealed them so they will probably fade or rub off in time.

Here are a few photos of her for now, it was a very blowy day!   I hope you like her!

She has beautifully sculpted hands which you can just see in this photo below....

Well that's all I have for you today but hopefully soon I'll have some more photos.  I will also be posting some vinyl dolls for sale, including Gotz, Zwergnase and others.  I am also going to be selling one of my tiny BJDs, a Lati Yellow Cookie in tan, so if you're interested please watch this space.

Have a great weekend!

Big hugs Sharon in Spain xxx


  1. That is a wonderful story with happy ending! :) I believe that the doll we do really want always finds its way to our home. :)
    I'm happy for you that you have your Angel.
    She is an amazing girl. I love her face - she is so gentle and beautiful. I think that freckles suits her! And her wig is perfect.

    1. Thank you so much Kamelia, I'm still a bit like "well how on earth did that happen!"
      I'm glad you like how she's styled :)

    2. Oh, I love her! She looks like million dollars. :)
      And I know exactly how you feels. That was the same when my resin Evangeline came. :)

  2. Oh dear Sharon! What a long journey you had to find your beautiful Angel, but as they say "All's well that ends well" and it certainly did for you. :) She is gorgeous and those hands are to die for!! I love to see elegant hands on a doll and can easily be put off if they are not.

    Something about Angel reminds me of my IpleHouse KIDs Irene, Lonnie and Paige (they are what I call "tweeners" at just 34.5cm tall). It's a beautiful day here in Melbourne so perhaps it's time to have a photo shoot, I'd be interested to see what you think?
    Big hugs,

    1. Isn't it funny Sandi, it was just so weird that it should work out that way....I'm usually the person who finds out about sales the day after or pre-orders the following week LOL and in this instance I thought it was going to go exactly the same way when Sue said her doll was sold!!
      I do like the Iplehouse KIDs too, I used to have a very cute Lonnie but sold her because I wanted to buy a Little Darling I think! I regretted it a bit afterwards because she had a beautiful faceup, it was her default but there was something especially pretty about her! But there you go!
      I know what you mean about dolls hands, it is why I'm not overkeen on my KW girls showing their hands, they're not nicely sculpted at all!!
      I will look forward to seeing your photos of your KIDs so that I can see :)

  3. P.S. I love the added touch of the blush and freckles!

  4. She looks lovely, Love her wig and freckles. It's sometimes just plain amazing how things turn out! Obviously you were meant to have one , just not the one you'd thought!

    Look forward to seeing more of her when time allows :) xx

    1. Thanks very much Dee :)
      It really is so funny sometimes how things turn out.

  5. Your story proves that sometimes fate just steps in! I think your new doll is beautiful. The freckles look great on her. I wish I could afford your Zwergnase. They have such personality. That's something I'll never manage though!

    1. Thanks very much Tam, I'm glad you like her.
      The Zwergnase girls are great but my vinyl dolls are taking up so much room these days and I don't do a thing with them.

  6. Oh my gosh!, what an amazing doll history!, definitely this Ziya was made for you!, how lucky, I feel so happy for you and I just know how was your feelings since i have experienced something very similar a couple of times!
    Well, what to say about this cutie, she is so adorable! Did you decide a name for her already? All my love! <3

    1. Thank you so much Brighteyes, I believe she was definitely meant to be here :)
      Yes she will be known here as Angel. She was called Angeline by her previous mum so I thought I'd keep it very similar.

  7. I LOVE a doll with a story and Angel is a gorgeous doll with a very nice story behind her purchase! It was meant to be after all! Congrats on this cutie~ I'm glad you got her in the end

    1. Thank you very much Fantasywoods! I'm glad you like her, and her story. I often have said to people in the past that what will be, will be, and it really does seem to be the case sometimes!!

  8. Dear Sharon, I love your story!!! Someone should write a book about finding dolls.
    Angel is beautiful. I love the blush you gave her. I agree, she does look like an Iplehouse KID.
    I will be watching for your sales. I am crushing on your tan Little Darling.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks very much Dorothy, and yes I agree, these dolly stories would make interesting reading, wouldn't they!
      I will get the sales photos up soon. Nooooo my tan Little Darling probably won't be amongst those going but one of the others might!
      Have a good week Dorothy :)

  9. I wonder if we know the same Jane from the UK. She has a lot of Dollstown dolls and her collection is really really lovely. I am really glad you were able to get your Ziya. I love Youpladolls quite a bit but sadly, they are outside of my budget range. They are really gorgeous dolls though. I love the sculpting on them. Your addition of the blush and freckles really enhances her adorable face. It looks like she was meant to come home to you, one way or another! Big congratulations!

    1. Yes! That is the very same Jane!! She's lovely and makes such beautiful scenes with her dolls, doesn't she! We have been friends for some time now, I met her a few times at Sasha doll events, she's a lovely person.
      I'm with you on the Youpladolls, they really are nicely sculpted. I'm more and more leaning towards the artists dolls these days.
      Thank you for your nice comments :)

  10. Angel is beautiful Sharon. I love her wig and such a pretty face with fantastic freckles. Her sweet little hands are really wonderful. Thank you for sharing her story and I am so happy you found your doll. 😊 xxx

    1. Thank you so much dear Ginger. I'm very happy to have found her.
      I hope you had a lovely birthday last week :)
      Big hugs xxx

  11. Congratulations on your new doll. What a unique story she has! (And she is a very beautiful doll too!)

    1. Thank you very much Sam, she really does have a unique story, doesn't she!

  12. Oh she's lovely! And what a wonderful story about how she came to you!

    Her wig and faceup are just too perfect. :)

    1. Thank you very much, I'm very lucky to have been able to get her and happy that she's here :)

  13. She is a beauty, congrats! Love the story how you and Angel found your way to each other!

    1. Thank you very much Niina, I'm glad you like her. And yes, it was a real coincidence! I'm so pleased that she's here :)


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