Monday 11 March 2019


The weather has been beautiful here and I'm hoping that spring really has sprung already.  I went for a walk on the beach with my friend and her dog and decided to bring along a doll to photograph.  My friend Julie isn't a doll collector but she does seem to take an interest in my dolls and often says she'll make some knitted items for them.....I'm still waiting Julie!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

So it was the turn of Neele, my one remaining Wichtel doll by Rosemarie Muller.  She's a cute little thing and I thought, with her big wide soled sandals, she'd be a good doll to take to the beach as she'd hopefully not fall flat on her face in the sand!!!  

 Neele has her bucket but she doesn't have a spade, so I need to find an icecream place that serves their desserts with those spade shaped plastic spoons because I think it'd be the perfect size for her!  And what a good excuse for an icecream!

My friend Julie then set up this pose with her dog, Louis....I definitely think Julie has an eye for doll photography, I may have to lend her a doll to take out with her when we walk the dogs again next time!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

And here's the end result, I think you'll agree a cute shot!  It helps that Louis is a very well behaved boy, my dogs would probably have dragged my doll face down through the stones!!!

Apart from that, my selling has continued and several of my dolls have found new homes.  A few are still waiting to be adopted, including two previously brunette bald Sashas,  a bald Gregor and two brunette Gregors, one of which was rerooted by me.  And also my first blond Sasha, Millie, who has beautiful hair and who's eyes were repainted by Shelly of Sasha Dolls UK.  She is actually already on Ebay, if you're interested. 

If you look at all my listings you will see the other dolls I currently have listed.  If you're interested in any of them, please contact me and I can sell them off Ebay if you'd prefer it.

Before I go, I thought I'd share a few other photos that I've taken recently of various dolls of mine.  I'm doing a 'doll a day' with a couple of friends via email, I'm enjoying it because it's making me take photos of my dolls when sometimes I just can't be bothered!!!  

Here is Anais (Irrealdoll Annic in Truffle skin) with her new bike which I found on Ebay, it's the perfect scale for her and so nicely detailed.


And here is one of my first Blythes, Hershey who is a Simply Chocolate Blythe that I customised some years ago....

And finally, a photo of Anuschka, one of my Zwergnase Juniors.  She is from 2006 and her hair is made of mohair and has got really tangled and messy recently.  But these photos don't show that, so I was really happy with how she looks.  She has such a great grumpy face!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Well I hope you all have a great week and that the weather is good wherever you are!

Big hugs

Sharon xxx


  1. Love the beach photos. I think Julie is a secret doll lover and great at setting up photos! I wonder if I could get one of my dogs to be walked by a doll ? could be dangerous! lol
    Well done with the doll sales and good luck with the next batch. I'm trying to get back into finding time for them at present. Have a great week :) xx

    1. LOL Dee I think she just tolerates her crazy dolly friend!!! But she is definitely good at setting up the photos and unlike me, she isn't worried what other people think if they see us with the doll, so that is an added bonus. Plus I find it much easier to be taking doll photos with someone with me that on my own.
      Thanks on the doll sales Dee, another one has got a bid today so that's good. I am certainly enjoying the extra space!!!
      Big hugs xxx

  2. What a great photo shoot. I hope Julia paid Neele for doll walking (laugh).
    Anais looks adorable. Maybe she can give me bike riding lessons. I never learned.
    What is the connection with the Blythe doll and Hershey Chocolate? Was it a special edition?
    Happy Women's History Month! Even if you don't celebrate that in Spain, happy anyway.

    1. Thank you Dorothy, I'm glad you liked the photos.
      I will send Anais and her bike over to you for her to teach you...but I think with this tiny bike your knees will be up under your chin, not too comfy ;)
      There wasn't any connection between Hershey Chocolate and this Blythe, it was just that the Blythe release was called Simply Chocolate and the name Hershey sprang to mind, and I thought it was perfect for her :) So no, no special edition, just a regular release Blythe.
      And the same to you, I'm sure Women's History month is also celebrated here :)
      Big hugs xxx

  3. These are such great photos of your dolls. My favourite is the one of Neele and Louis of course! That one turned out great. I love the scale and I was just thinking, what a great well behaved dog to stand there for a photo. My cats would never do that.

    I can see why you liked that bike. It looks good and very detailed. I love that when you get minitures that pay attention to the details.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks very much Alasse :) I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Louis is a really good boy although my little Miniature Pinscher, Lucy, really likes to boss him around and tell him off!!
      It's a great little bike, 1/6th scale so it's great for quite a few of my dolls, so they'll have to share it ;)
      Have a good one yourself.
      Big hugs xxx

  4. The picture of Neele and Louis is precious (as are all your photos). I love the idea of a virtual doll day. Fabulous idea, and lucky us we get to see more photos,

    1. Thank you Julie, isn't it just! I'm glad you enjoy my photos.
      I am enjoying the virtual doll a day too because it is making me either take photos or, if I'm really busy and don't get a chance, so then I'll look through old photos and pick one of a doll that might not have been given any attention for a while. :)
      Big hugs xxx

  5. Hello Sharon! Lovely photos and I do adore the photo with Louis and Neele! The dog looks so happy and the doll are so into keeping an eye on the dog! :) Perfect!
    Talking about falling flat on ones face in the sand - my Esther did that some summers ago. Some moments of silence, a tiny damage on her lips...but gladly I could fix it, so nothing shows.
    The bike is great!
    Have a lovely week! <3

    1. Thank you very much Niina, I'm glad you enjoyed the photo, Louis is such a lovely big boy and Lucy, despite being only up to his knees, does seem to enjoy his company, but as I said above, she is so bossy to him. If he runs into the sea, so she stands there barking at him as if to say "come out of there!" Because she doesn't like going in the water, so I think she says he shouldn't either!!! Such a bossy little dog!!
      Oooh I can imagine that moment of silence....but thank goodness she wasn't too damaged and you were able to fix it. I have had a few little instances like that over the years, the stomach does a big flip before the doll even hits the ground and that sickening feeling when you don't know what you're going to find when you pick it up!!! Not nice at all.
      Have a great week yourself!
      Big hugs xxx

  6. Hello Sharon,
    As a former owner of Wichtel dolls by Rosemarie Mรผller, I couldn't help but enjoy Neele's photo session. The dog-walking photo is my favourite. Your friend sure has an eye for what would make a nice photo, and her dog is a good boy.
    I don't know if you did it on purpose but the red theme (red outfits for all the dolls) was a nice touch.


    1. Hi Arlette,
      Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos of Neele. I do like how that photo turned out too :) Louise really is a good lad!
      I honestly didn't give it any thought about the colours but maybe it's because I do like my dolls in red! Even Anuschka, although in sepia, is wearing a dark red hat in that photo!

  7. What wonderful photos Sharon, love the one of Neele with Louis. :) I love these little RM dolls, I only have two, but I think they will always be keepers.

    That bike was a great find, looks just like a real one and as you said perfect for Anais. Is Hershey your only Blythe now? I only have one left myself that I won't part with (and one other in pieces which I keep meaning to finish so I can sell her). It's funny how some dolls look better in sepia than in colour, and Anuschka really looks like she belonged in the period when they were the norm.

    Hope your dolls are continuing to sell well Sharon, do you have someone in mind to spend your recouped pennies on?
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks so much Sandy, I'm glad you like the photos. I agree that they're lovely dolls, but one is enough for me now, I've sold the other two.
      Yes the bike is perfect for this size of doll, it has such a lot of details, I love miniatures with a lot of details.
      No, I have four Blythes in all now, I sold the rest some time ago. I will have to do a post about them one day so that you can see. I sometimes think I could go down to one but couldn't decide which one would stay!
      And no, no more buying for me, I really just need to downsize...apart from the ones on pre-order which were paid for last year.
      Big hugs xxx

  8. Love the photos! All of them. :)

  9. Beautiful beach photos and I love the photo your friend arranged...fantastic with the beautiful pup. I am glad your dolls are moving on to new homes and I really like your Anais and her bike. Lovely! Have a great week dear Sharon! ❤️ xxx

    1. Thank you very much Ginger, I'm glad you like it! Yes thankfully they're moving on, so things are looking up ;)
      Big hugs xxx

  10. i enjoyed all the photos but the one with the dog has got to be my favorite!!! And what a nice beach!!!
    My friends don't collect dolls either, but every time we travel they encourage me to take doll photos and even take some themselves. I think it's very fun! It's always good to have friends with different hobbies but that they respect each other tastes.

    1. Thank you very much, Alejandra, I'm glad you liked the photos :)
      I think it's great when our friends, even if they're not into dolls, are happy to share a bit of the hobby with us. My friend is very much into art and creative writing, so I enjoy and admire what she does too! :)


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