Monday, 26 August 2013

Messy worker!

I have just finished sewing for today and thought I'd take a photo of where I work during the time when we are here at the coast!  I share the patio table with my hubbie who is using his laptop, and it is located on our deck.   In the morning I get sunshine streaming from the front and in the afternoon and evening it is behind me.  But it does get very hot so I prefer to finish about 6pm as otherwise my shoulders and back get burnt!!  

I sew here all year round...I can even sew here when it rains!!!  I love to sew outside as I enjoy the fresh air plus it's lovely seeing the fabric colours in natural light!

Today you'll spot Gabrielle modelling for me, although she is hiding behind my sewing machine as she is topless!!!!   Hopefully the outfit will be finished tomorrow and ready for Ebay!!


  1. Come on Sharon...we need a sneaky preview of your latest ebay offering!!

    1. Haha, you will have to be patient Ronny....I'm listing this evening!!!

  2. No don't show her, she have one run up and on ebay before you can kiss the dog!!!
    Oh no you are OK, she's hurt her knee and cannot get about to quick....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Oops sorry where was I, oh yes what a lovely place to sew! Mind you I burn even if I just see the sun, so I'd have to admire from an open doorway!

    1. Dee..I lead I don't follow :) Don't listen to her S!! Give us a sneaky peak or the chihuahuas get it :)
      Only joshing wouldn't harm them...Coop would never forgive me!!

    2. LOL, I hope she's not disappointed in what I've made!! And I'm always kissing my dogs anyway!
      Yes, I used to be just like you and burn easily, but over the years I've learned how much I can take without burning. I still am caught out sometimes, but in the main I go brown now. NOT Spanish brown, but English brown....mine takes a while to get to a good shade!!!

    3. Ronny, I'd have to set Yoda on you....though having said that, even if you are on crutches you could probably move faster than she can....she's not built for speed with her little black pudding body on short legs!!!!! We always say she reminds us of the little dog on the Lloyds Bank adverts, do you know the one?
      PS Hope the leg is getting better!

  3. All looks very industrious and I notice just WHO has the MOST table room..... but how lovely to share the work space and enjoy time together.

    Like SS-R I would have liked to have seen a little bit of a preview....and like Dee I too have to keep way out of the sun with having had, and unfortunately still getting, skin Cancer from an ill-spent sun-worshipping youth. I live and learn....but alas, too late!

    1. LOL yes, meeee! I always take up all the room and what you can't see if the floor, my chair is surrounded with bags of fabric and other sewing stuff that I just can't fit on the table. Now if Brian would just move up a bit......!!!!
      Well I will show you the full outfit tonight, I've just got to list it on Ebay.
      Sorry to hear about your skin cancer. My dad had some on one of his ears. I must admit that I'm not a very 'safe' sunbather, and I really should be....I never live and learn to be honest!!!!

  4. No, definitely not a messy worker! ;-) A great place to sit and sew though in the fresh air, how lovely.

    1. LOL you're only really seeing the half of it....the floor is covered in bags of stuff too!
      It is lovely to sit and sew there though, I get more done out there than you would expect too!

  5. bliss to be able to sew outside all day without risk of rain.

    1. It is lovely, yes! It was supposed to rain today, which would be the first rain we've had since late April or early May, but so far it's been another beautiful day!

  6. Oh, that looks like a lovely area to work in! <3

  7. How wonderful. I love it. You are very neat, Sharon. Sometimes I sit next to my hubby working on a Blythe at the dining room table, while he's on his computer, but he jogs the table, so I can't do detail work and usually wait for a day off and he's at work. He retires on Halloween. No idea how it'll work then. We love being together, though.

    1. Thanks Valli, but honestly I'm really not very neat at all!!!! I am the one who jogs the table and my hubby tuts, which really annoys me because I can't help being clumsy!! I'm sure you'll have great fun working together and will get used to the joggy table!! I know what you mean about being together, unless I pop out to the supermarket, we are together 24/7 and don't seem to get bored of each other's company!!! It'll be the same for you, I'm sure!!


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