Thursday 18 April 2013

Boys will be boys!! Tree climbing with Alex (Gregor).....

Yesterday was another beautiful day and I thought it was about time that I made a summer outfit for Alex, my brunette Gregor Dark Jeans from 1973/4.  So I made him a pair of long shorts using some camoflage fabric, added a couple of pockets on the sides of the legs because we all know that boys love to accumulate all sorts of strange objects on their travels....and I made a tee shirt to go with the shorts.  I was going to make some matching socks but the shoes I put on him wouldn't fit with he was in far too much of a hurry to go out and climb trees to wait around for the socks!!!  (His hair looks a bit puffy in these photos, maybe it is time for a hair wash and condition now that I have the bug!!)

"LOOK!!!!  No hands!!!!"


  1. All boys MUST climb is part of the natural order of things!

    Love his trendy top and shorts - perfect camouflage for such activities...

    1. Thanks so much Lorraine, glad you like them, and as you say, naturally, all boys must climb trees. Actually, in this house, it seems that most of the girls do too! I wonder if I'm letting them do the things that I can no longer do!! LOL

  2. Great photos. My lads love the camouflage materials.
    Does the motif represent anything special or just a nice co-ordinating addition?

    1. Thanks very much Kendal, glad you like the photos.
      The motif doesn't really represent anything, I just saw it at the hypermarket amongst the things that were 1 Euro and thought "ahhh, now that might come in handy!" I thought it co-ordinated nicely with his camo shorts and took the plain-ness from his tee shirt!

  3. Love the outfit Sharon, suits Alex really well.
    Looks lovely and sunny where you are, we have the sun but still quite cold when you walk into any shady area's.

    1. Thanks very much Dee! Glad you like it!
      It was really really hot last week when we were at home, 34C at lunchtime on Friday, but when we came down here to the coast, it was just 19c!!! It has gone up a bit to low 20s, but I had to go out and buy some socks yesterday as I'd not brought any down here with me, thinking that I would be wearing my sandals......!!! Anything under about 24c and I'm cold now....I think I may have become a wimp!!!


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