Friday 15 February 2013

Picking oranges...

Today was a really lovely day, the temperature was in the low 20s, centigrade, and I decided to pick some of our oranges.  They've been ready for picking for more than a month now but the funny thing is, even after almost 9 years here, we still love to just look at the oranges and lemons on the is still a novelty to have citrus fruit growing so abundantly in our garden!!

So today I had a little helper!  Olive, my little Sleepy Berry, came to help me.  And she really was a great helper!  She went up the tree, pushed each orange off and down they fell into my hands!  She even brought her little cat friend with her to help out! 

What a team!!! 

"These oranges are bigger than MY head!"

And then she rolled them along to keep them all together for me! (which is quite a task for such a tiny girl!)

Three lovely fresh oranges, all in a row!

Balancing Act!

Gardening overalls, sewn by me.
Cute Doc Marten boots from Ebay for Blythe!


  1. She is brilliant, love how her hair matches the oranges. great overalls too.

    1. Thanks DollMum....note how her head shape is almost the same too....BIG and round!!

  2. I love the overalls! they are too perfect!!

    1. Thank you too bearpicnic...and to think when they didn't fit my Blythe girls I was going to throw them out!

  3. push, push, push! puff, puff, puff! went the little sleepy berry.
    i love your olive, and what a perfect name for her too.

    1. Thank you Ann On Y Mous....glad you love her, she's such a funny little thing!

  4. Olive is a real cutie and so helpfull too. And I'm not at aaaall envious because of your nice weather (Just over zero here) or frechly picked oranges. Not at all. Honestly. *Tries to look innocent*

    1. You're right she is both Lene! I will see if I can package up some sunshine and warmth and send it to Denmark!!!

  5. How wonderful to have your very own oranges growing in your garden. Couldn't get any fresher than that.
    When I was in Cyprus I was most impressed to see just how lovely and colourful they looked when still on the trees.
    Off now to get myself a glass of fresh orange juice.

    1. Thanks Kendal. You're right, they do look really colourful, and especially as they are there almost all year. It's hard to bring ourselves to pick them though!!! But when we do, ooooh they are so nice!

  6. Sharon how lucky are you? All that fruit in your BACK GARDEN!!! You couldn't post me over some oranges could you for my five-a-day :)

    1. LOL, yes lucky indeed! I used to send lemons to friends and my mum always leaves with some but the postage is expensive nowadays.....! LOL.


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