Friday 9 August 2013

Hair today....gone tomorrow!

Actually, hair yesterday, gone today!  But unlike Dee, I just couldn't think up some witty rhyme or song to go with it!! :)

My brunette wide faced girl is now bald.  I felt terrible removing her hair, but most of it was removing itself, so I just helped it along.  It was literally falling around her feet and all over the bedroom floor.  As I said to my husband "If I didn't know differently, I'd have thought you'd had another woman in here!"  Now if the hair had been blond or redhead, that would have been a different story...LOL!

So now she is completely bald.  It came off so easily too, I just gently pulled it or touched the hair plugs between my thumb and fingernail and it snapped like...well, like nothing I've ever seen before!  And the hair was so brittle at the roots that it actually seemed to 'crumble' into tiny slithers, it was amazing.  And such a shame because the rest of her actual hair was soft and silky....and and the falling happened so quickly too.

So here she is, Little Miss No Name is now known as Little Miss Baldy!!!!

(Please forgive the quality of the photo, it was taken on my phone)

When I go home from the coast I will try some wigs on her, I have several in this size, but eventually I would like to have her rerooted.  I may actually do it myself!  I haven't done a Sasha before, but I have done a couple of Blythe girls, and although I appreciate the method for rerooting Sasha is different, I think I could do it!  Well I hope so anyway.  It might make a nice winter project!!!


  1. Looking forward to seeing her with new hair!! Surprise me :)

    1. Oh it'll be a surprise all right Ronny!!! Lets hope it's not a horrible one though!

  2. That's good her hair came out easy, my girl had lots of missing plugs and falling hair but had to be chopped off and of course the bits close to the scalp have decided to be well attached!!!

    It will be great to see her 'new' hair!

    1. Yes, soooo easy, I just touched some of the plugs and they literally fell off! The fringe was the only part that had a little bit of resistance, and even that wasn't much.
      Jackie R told me that you could use an Epilady to remove those little tufts near the scalp...I don't think my girls tufts are long enough for it to grip though!

  3. Another bald brunette Sasha in one day - did you and Dee decide this together? Go for it with rerooting and please take photos of progress when/if you do.

    1. Yes, baldness is the little black dress!!! No, we didn't decide together, honest! I knew that Dee wanted a girl with bad hair to wig, and she knew that my girl was going bald at a rate of knots, but it was just coincidence that we seemed to be yanking our poor girls hair out at roughly the same time!
      I promise that if I do go down the reroot route...I'll take photos as I go along!

  4. Oh my! The poor girl! However, I bet her new hair will be lovely! :)

    1. I know, poor little thing! Thank goodness it's summertime or she'd be very cold around her ears!!

  5. Oh dear, poor girl. It is quite frightening how easy it comes out when it does isn't it? I never really realised how much until I was washed that Gregor's hair a few months back and he suddenly went from being Daniel to Danni in just a few seconds!

    I say wigs - that way she can have different looks to suit her different moods ;-) If you decide to re-root do document the process :-) Good luck! Who knows she may now get a name when she has her new look. Of course at the moment she could be Sigourney Weaver in the scene in Alien when she had to shave off all her hair!

    1. I know Lorraine, it was such a shock when I first saw it falling, I really never anticipated that 'falling hair' would be literally...well...falling!!! I know that wigs will definitely be where I start off because I did a Blythe reroot in the summer when it was warm and it wasn't comfortable having all that hair clinging to my hands as they got warm! And I'll keep the possibility of rerooting for the winter!
      I did have a couple of names for her....for the life of me I can't remember what they were though! Sigourney is a good name but for the moment, she is just Baldy! Or perhaps she could be named after the Alien!!

  6. Maybe you could knit her a chemo cap...


    1. LOL, by the time I'd finished knitting it, Penny, she'd have GROWN back more hair!!!

  7. oooh the poor Alien girl! I bet she feels like hiding under a bucket! Can't wait to see which wig you will try on her - I vote for a wispy one like the one you put on your Blonde Gregor but just in brown.....:) not that you asked for that input!:)

  8. I enjoy experimenting with putting wigs on my 'now beyond falling haired' girls as so many different looks can be achieved in a short space of time. Can you please take photos of this so that we can see which we like the best on her whilst getting ideas for our girls.

    You need to have a few tufts left to hold the wigs in place as a too smooth and shiny bald head causes the wigs to slip around. luckily she doesn't look as if she has too many holes for when you come to re-root her.

    Saving the re-rooting attempt for the Winter months sounds a good idea and could well make up for the limited outdoor outings caused by any inclement weather.


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