Monday 8 December 2014

A little Indian girl called Sidika......

We recently were chatting on here about Himstedt dolls after my visit to Steve....and of course it got me looking at and sharing old photos and thing led to another, and like most dolly collectors I started to obsess over Himstedt dolls AGAIN!!!  I didn't really want to go down that road again, honestly, but I couldn't stop looking at the little Himmie dolls that were on offer, particularly on Ebay Germany.  I saw this little girl for sale by an Austrian lady but she didn't take Paypal and I don't do bank transfers, so I thought it was unlikely that this little one would be coming to live in Spain.  However, to cut a long story short, I contacted the seller, we got chatting...her English was so much better than my German!...and now I'm the proud new owner of this little sweetie!

Her name is Sidika and she's 73cm tall.  She was released in 2005 as part of the World Children's Summit and she is supposed to represent a child from India.  Although she didn't come to me in her original outfit, I believe her hair is still in it's original style, though it is a bit untidy, so I might replait it soon.

Luckily I have kept all my previous outfits for these dolls but Sidika is very slim through her torso so I think I'll definitely be sewing things for her when I get time!  Most of what I have is too loose on her.  I did however find this old machine knit dress which sort of fits, so she's wearing that for now, although it is old and the neck isn't finished properly! 

I love her facial expression, her open mouth gives her a look that I would describe as 'full of wonder'!  I find her very realistic as does my dog Choco, who is giving her a wide berth as she stands in the lounge!   I already have several photo 'opportunities' in mind for her, so, as they say "watch this space!" :)


  1. Oh S! I am SO jealous! She is gorgeous! I mustn't go down that route again....but PLEASE feature her often so I can 'share' her with you!!

    1. LOL thanks Ronny, and that is exactly what I told myself.....don't go down the Himstedt route again...I even put things up for sale! But it's all your's and Steve's fault....I'm completely innocent here ;)
      I promise I'll share more photos just as soon as possible!

    2. You innocent? That'll be the day!! I still have some Himstedt catalogues , not 2005 but others one signed by Annette Himstedt herself.....if you are interested give me a shout!

  2. Sharon she is gorgeous, so life like. Love how she is posed and I can see you having lots of fun with her. I think if you find a doll who calls to you , you just have to go with the flow! :)
    Cannot wait to see her dressed by you! :)
    Hugs Dee xxx

    1. Thanks very much Dee, glad you like her! I have some ideas for photo ops with her but I have a lot of other things I have to do first....but then hopefully I'll get to them :)
      And yes, if they call to you, who are we to not listen eh? ;)

  3. Such an impressively expressive face on her! I like the positioning of her hands as well - it's great to see something other than a standard neutral finger position.

    1. Thank you jSarie, that's exactly it, her face was hard to ignore! And yes, they do have lovely hands ... and feet too, very detailed too. :)

  4. I can well see why you couldn't resist her!

    1. I'm a sucker for a cute face Kendal ;)

  5. She's charming! I can definitely see why you couldn't resist her. She looks very engaged in what is going on around her. :D

    1. Thanks Lynn! Exactly, she looks 'interested' doesn't she! I have lots of ideas of how this 'interest' can be photographed, now I just need the time ;)

  6. je suis ravie pour vous que vous aillé pu avoir cette petite ...on dirait une vraie petite fille , magnifique visage avec sa bouche entrouverte qui voir ses petites dents ...elle est superbe !
    belle journée !

    1. Merci beaucoup! Je suis très heureux avec elle, et oui, elle est comme une vraie petite fille avec ses dents et ouvert la bouche:) xxx

  7. Sharon, Sharon, Sharon what are you like, lol. Your getting me looking at the Himmie's all over again and plotting about maybe buying another, lol. James spotted me looking at your beautiful Sidika this morning and has told be not to go down that road again as we haven't got the space, lol. We shall see how long I can resist, lol. Xxxxxxxx

    1. LOL Steve you and are as bad as one another. I'm blaming you....and you're blaming me.....:) between us we have about a milligramme of resistance, don't we! As they say "resistance is futile" ;)
      I hope you didn't tell James that it was my doll you were looking at, I don't want him thi nking that I'm encouraging you....even if I am! ;) xxx

  8. She is gorgeous Sharon! I love her sweet face, what a dear child. :) xxx

    1. Thanks so much Ginger....I'm so incorrigable though, aren't I!!! I just couldn't resist her and I'm innocent here, it was all Steve's fault...oh and Ronny's too of course!!! xxx ;)

  9. Wow, I did not know about this kind of dolls!, I am really impressed!, they are so beautiful and well made, your little Sidika looks so beautiful and lovely! I love her eyes so much and her facial expression! <3<3<3, I totally can see why you couldn't resist her, she is so sweet!, congratulations my dear Sharon! <3

    1. :) Thank you so much, they are lovely dolls, but BIG, well she's 73cm tall so not too big, but they come much bigger too :) They take up a lot of room!! But yes, very well made. I'm glad you like her. xxx


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