Sunday 1 March 2015

A sunny Sunday stroll...

Some of the vinyl kids are out strolling in the sunshine.  We have a new pushchair which I got recently for my girls to play with, but it actually fits one of the Natterer babies so a group of the bigger kids are taking him out for a little walk....after being cooped up in my sewing room, they just needed to work off a bit of energy and get some fresh air! 

Here is Jakob, showing you how perfectly he fits into the pushchair....pity it's pink though!  

The pushchair is a little bit tall for the Sashas to push and a little bit small for Bertie to travel in....but fortunately, Bertie is now trying to walk so he wouldn't want to stay in the pushchair anyway....he's going through that very 'independent' stage I'm afraid ;)

His brother Devlin did try to persuade him to stay behind but he insists on 'walking'....although he regularly sits down or wants to be carried!!  And let me tell you, he is no light weight!! ;)

Tanya (Maru & Friends), Destin (60s Gotz slate eyed Sasha), Devlin (1969 blond PJs Gregor), Jakob (Gotz 50th Anniversary Ltd Edition Sylvia Natterer baby) and Bertie (1969 blond sexed baby boy) all head out into the sunshine.

The kids certainly seem to be happy to be out in the sunshine and out of their winter clothes, don't they?

Not quite sure what's being discussed here, I was too far away to eavesdrop but I think maybe Destin is asking if she can push the pushchair....

Looks like Bertie has taken away Jakob's red London bus, there'll be ructions!!  

Above and below, listening intently!

Below, handsome boy!

And finally a few photos of Tanya who is trying out a new wig, it's a Monique Buttercup but I'm not sure it's really 'her'....the front is a bit 'sparse' which I don't like so it's hard to push it to one side, out of her face, without the cap showing. 

However, that aside, she has a new outfit that I quickly made yesterday afternoon, so she's happy.  The yellow top is made from a skirt I bought some years ago in a sale, and leggings are made from a pair of child's leggings, again bought in a recent sale. 


  1. Love those group pictures around the stroller! They look like such a happy and busy group! Jakob looks just the perfect size, too. :)

    1. Thank you very much Lynn, I'm glad you like them! Jakob is indeed just the perfect size for this, I thought it would be the right height for the Sasha's to push with a doll of theirs in it, but obviously got that a bit wrong...but it all worked out in the end!

  2. Lovely, lovely, lovely Sharon! What a dear scene and the sunny day really is delightful to see!!! A very wonderful group and each doll is special and especially that handsone boy! A great post! :) xxx

    1. Thanks so much Ginger, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it :)
      It was such a nice day I couldn't pass it up!

  3. How lovely that they could take the new stroller out into the sunshine! We did have some here today too! :)
    I was looking at Tanya and think Oh she's cut her hair!! silly me ! totally forgot about that hair salon of wigs you have to play with :)
    Glad it's not cut , I quite liked it long on her.
    Wonderful scenes of them talking, if only we could have heard what was being said but then sometimes it may be best not to know!!
    Have a great week hugs Dee xx

    1. Yes, it was a lovely day yesterday and today too, I'm hoping that's the last of winter now....I am not a winter person, so this spring time suits me fine ... oh and of course I LOVE summer too :)
      No, I didn't cut her hair but this wig is a very close match colour wise to her original one. And oh yes, far too many wigs here actually...but my excuse is that I've been buying them for many years now ;)
      I am sure there was a certain little Gotz girl who wanted to push the pushchair and perhaps a little English boy who wanted to stand on the chasis whilst she pushed, but I wouldn't swear to that !! ;)

  4. Beautiful sunshine...beautiful kids! Send some of that warmth to NY! :) Tanya has such pretty eyes and I think she looks absolutely adorable with that cute bob haircut. :)

    1. LOL I'll try my best Farrah!
      I'm happy that you enjoyed the photos and yes, Tanya really does have a lovely little face, doesn't she!

  5. Great to see some of your dollie kids out enjoying themselves out in the sunshine and fresh air. (Real life kids playing outside is becoming a quite a rare sight these days.)
    Was especially thrilled to see little Bertie actually in on the action for a change. Particularly loved the photo of him taking Jakob's red bus from him. That piece of interaction was captured perfectly.
    Devlin is such a handsome lad. and I love the way he is wearing his baseball hat at that jaunty side angle.

    1. Thank you Kendal, glad you enjoyed seeing them!
      Poor neglected Bertie you mean? He is becoming a bit of a handful, his behaviour might be because of neglect though ;) He was a bit naughty over the bus but to be fair, he wanted to bring one of his toys along but Tanya said no, because it would only be poor Devlin that would have to carry it for him!! ;)
      Thank you also on Devlin, he really is rather handsome isn't he? Although I have to say I am prejudiced ;)

  6. What a nice scene.
    Your welldressed children in the warm spanish sun!

    Wish I could join them...

    1. Thanks so much Anne, and you're welcome any time!!! ;)

  7. Loving the group shots of them all standing together - very natural.
    But I think Jakob is none too impressed at sitting in a pink buggy, what a pouty little face!
    Any chance you could send some of your lovely sunshine our way ? We've got snow this morning!

    1. Ooooh noooo not snow!!!!! I will try to send a bit of sunshine your way too then Rosie!
      THank you for the nice comments on the kids, I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the photos. Yes Jakob was not overly impressed firstly that the buggy is pink, then of course they are pink flowers......and also that he couldn't get out of it to play on the floor with his bigger friend Bertie....the bus being taken from him was the last straw I think!

  8. I love Destin's hair colour and the new style. Is that fairly recent - I seem to have missed it...


    1. Thank you Penny and yes, I changed her wig again just a couple of weeks ago....I'm glad you like it!

  9. This Buggy is great! I love it... and the scene is wonderful too. So sweet - and I see Bertie!! Super photos:)

    1. Thank you Barbara, I found it locally just a few weeks back! But I think it's actually French.
      Yes, there is little Bertie, and he's getting a friend!!!!!! Watch this space as they say!


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