Sunday 29 December 2013

Ice and lemon with that?

Early this morning it was a chilly 9C here and when I looked out the window I could see the trees were glistening with damp and there was a big plate of ice on top of the cover of our hot tub!  OK, so it wasn't thick ice, but it was ice all the same!  It looked funny seeing our trees full, not only with lemons and oranges, but their respective flowers too...and then the ice! 

When Alex saw the ice, he immediately wanted to put on his new duffle coat and go outside to see the ice!  Living here in Spain, he'd not seen ice 'growing' in the garden before, so he wanted to touch it and see how cold it felt!  And yes, it did indeed feel COLD!! 

Then he jumped up and down on the icy sheet breaking it all into tiny pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle!  But then we had to go inside because already his little bare hands were getting cold and his new boots were starting to get wet, we didn't want the leather ruined!!

(Outfit including knitted stiped jumper, corderoy trousers, socks, leather boots and duffle coat all by Bonniejean on Ebay).

Alex can hardly believe his eyes...."ICE!!!"

Stomp, stomp, stomp!!  Alex breaks up all the ice!

Alex wishes he had some skates!

But skates or no skates, Alex did have fun stomping on the ice!!


  1. He looks like he is having a lot of fun indeed. What a surprise it must have been for him to see ice. Just love his dufflecoat and the rest of his outfit - perfect for outdoor play in cold temperatures.

  2. Alex looks very handsome in his duffle coat , I'm glad he got the chance to use it. Must be very rare to have some ice to play with in Spain, well done Alex for taking the opportunity to enjoy the cold!

  3. That's a very smart looking lad that you've got there. He looks to be the perfect little lad, warmly and sensibly dressed, enjoying the outdoors in spite of the cold.

  4. So cute - I am trying to stay away from the boys as I'm having enough trouble controlling my longing for more girls!

  5. Thanks everyone for your sweet and kind comments!
    Big hugs xxxx

  6. Finally I can comment again! Alex is such a handsome boy & he looks smashing in his new duds:) He's also much braver than I - I'm a real whip when it come sot cold weather!:)

  7. Thanks for all the nice comments and apologies for the delay in replying.
    My family have now returned to the UK so I'm playing catch up!!


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