Friday 21 February 2014

Socks on the beach.....

Well not quite on the beach, after all I don't want them to get all sandy!  But here we are at the coast and I've just listed more socks on Etsy!  I hope you'll take a look.  I think I'm going to take a detour now and do something else rather than socks although I do have some baby sized ones to list in a few days....but I feel like I have socks coming out of my ears at the moment!!!

I've got some ideas for outfits I'd like to make for my shop, plus I have some commissions that I'd like to start on too, so watch this space, as they say!

I've had quite a busy time this week, what with one thing and another.  I had my first mammogram which I was dreading, having heard horror stories about intense pain and bruising, but I have to say that it wasn't half as bad as I was expecting!!!  In fact the worst part of the day was all the driving!  I decided to drive home from the coast in the morning, leaving hubby and the dogs here, then making and eating lunch with my son Brendan, then driving another 25 minutes to the hospital, then back home again, then back down here to the coast in the evening!!!!  The weather wasn't that nice either, with rain, dense fog/low cloud and high winds so it wasn't exactly a relaxing drive.  The motorway is very high, through the mountains and the wind wanted to push me across lanes if I wasn't careful!! Thankfully though I was safely back here again in the evening.  And two little stowaways came down here with me!!!!  Yes, my two Gotz slate eyed girls from the 1960s, hid away in my bag as they didn't want to be left at home again!

And so that this isn't just a boring post about socks and driving, I thought I'd just add a few photos of them that I took today!  I was playing with the light and trying out something different!!! (please excuse the stray hairs!)


  1. Lovely photos Sharon! Your girls are beautiful and you have captured some special moments :) hugs, Ginger xx

  2. Love the lighting you used for these photos. Very lovely pictures and girls.

  3. Wonderfully dramatic photos and super poses of these two delightful Gotz girls.

  4. Love your two slate eyed gotz girl's.
    Your socks are great too!!! :)

  5. Very special and great photos Sharon ... your dark haired slate eyed girl is such a gorgeous little beauty :-) Hugs, Liss xxx

  6. Thanks very much for your nice comments, ladies, I appreciate you all taking the time to come and comment!


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