Thursday 14 April 2016

Gotz me some new girls!

I was recently offered the opportunity to buy a couple of Gotz Happy Kidz by a lady in the UK who's doll collection is going in a different direction.  The price for the dolls was just too good to pass up, firstly because one of the dolls is from 2012 and therefore no longer available and the second one has only recently been released in the shops so is brand new.  I can resist anything but temptation!!

The first girl is Sophie, she is a redhead with brown eyes, released in 2012.  She is in excellent displayed condition and her hair is in it's original style.  She came in her full outfit with tags and certificate.  This face mould is my favourite of the Happy/Classic Kidz face sculpts and I now have three with this face, except all are different hair/eye combinations.  I didn't take any full length photos of Sophie, but here are a couple of closeups.  She is wearing her original outfit which is in perfect condition.

I will take some full length photos of her soon.

The second girl was such a surprise to me.  I had seen photos of her from the Nuremburg Toy Fair back in January and then as she started to arrive with collectors, so I saw some 'in real life' photos.  I thought she was nice enough but she didn't 'grab' me.  Then last week I saw some photos of her and thought "she has potential" but is she for me?  But because of the excellent price (who doesn't love a bargain!) I decided to buy the two girls and have them shipped together. 

Well what a surprise!  The second girl is beautiful!  Her default outfit and hairstyle don't do a thing for her in my humble opinion.  The outfit is very well made but the fabrics are too 'grown up' for a child doll.   This is NOT my photo, I have borrowed it from My Doll Best Friend's blog and was taken by Maxine when she visited the Nuremburg Toy Fair.  These dolls are available to purchase from her website:  Happy Kidz Charlotte

So after removing her outfit,  I immediately washed and restyled her hair to remove the styling products that Gotz put in and changed her outfit for something more childlike.  Below she is wearing a baseball style tee shirt that I made this afternoon, having already embroidered the Monster High skull on a piece of fabric in anticipation.  The skirt is a BJD denim skirt from Iplehouse.  I've had the shoes for ages and have no idea where they're from and the hairband was lurking about in my dolls clothes box.  I think she looks so much younger and cuter dressed like this, don't you agree? 

Thank you for visiting, I hope you've enjoyed seeing the new girls that have come to live here in Spain with me.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats!!! So good you could bring them home for a good price.
    The second doll looks SO MUCH better with the styling you did, it almost looks likes a different doll

    1. Thanks very much! Yes, there's nothing better than a good bargain, is there :)
      I'm glad you like the new look for Charlotte, she really does look different, doesn't she....I prefer my dolls to look like kids and so the default outfit just didn't do it for me.

  2. They are both so cute! I love Sophie just as she is, but what a difference the makeover made for the second doll! She looks absolutely charming now. :D

    1. Thanks very much Lynn and yes I'm with you on both dolls. Sophie is just so sweet with her red hair and plaits, and Charlotte just needed a little bit of a change I think!

  3. Charlotte looks almost lifelike in her new outfit. I agree with you, the Götz people had strange ideas about how to dress a little girl. For all I know this is NOT the latest fashion in Germany!
    How lucky the shoes and headband go so well together.

    1. Thank you Ursual, and yes, what were Gotz thinking! I have actually seen Spanish children wearing outfits made from what I would call more 'grown up' fabrics but never really a doll from Gotz. Maybe someone came for a holiday here during Samana Santa and got the idea for her outfit.

  4. Love the new girls - they both have such beautiful face shapes. It's amazing how different the second doll looks after your makeover. It doesn't seen like a change of hairstyle and outfit should make such a difference, and yet somehow she hardly looks like the same doll!

    1. Thanks JS, me too. And yes, they do have good face sculpts....Charlotte just needed that little bit of help in the clothing department ;)

  5. From silly knickers for the Zwergnase kids to rediculously small and inapropriate hats on Gotz dolls, I just don't get it! The German doll designers and makers are, as they have always been, some of the most skilled in the world, so why are they inclined to dress them so badly? The fabrics and quality of workmanship is almost always wonderful, it's the styling that is sometimes so far off what you would want to see real children wearing.
    None he less, it's the doll that matter, and these two are beauties. With a skilled clothier for a Mama, they are very fortunate and your Charlotte will soon get over any trauma she may have as a result of having to wear her default outfit before she got to you!

    1. LOL what are these companies thinking sometimes Jenni! But those Zwergnase knickers do really take a lot of beating, don't they! They're so weirdly made too, at least Gotz had the good grace to make the outfits well even if they did use rather unusually mature fabrics for them!
      Thanks Jen!

  6. Hi Sharon!
    I love Sophie, but I must admit I do have a passion for little red haired girls. :) Charlotte didn't grab me at first glance, but she looks much better now than before her "treatment", you seem to have a knack for bringing them to life.

    1. Sophie really is sweet isn't she? I love her red plaits. The new 2016 Clara also had red hair but it's not as nice a colour as Sophie's, or probably I should say that it is not as natural a colour as Sophie's. But both colours are very nice.
      I'm glad you like Charlotte's new look!

  7. Getting a little concerned that these 'other' dolls might well be overtaking my favourite Sasha Dolls at your house...though I do rather like the second doll's facial expression especially after her mummy's hair style make-over and change of clothing.

    1. LOL you needn't worry Kendal, I still love my Sasha's every bit as much as I always did. I just like to spread my dolly love about a bit, and these two were such a bargain that even a hardened Sasha lover would have struggled to pass them up to be honest! ;)
      I'm glad you like the second one, Charlotte, she does have a cute face, doesn't she?!

  8. I love both of them Sharon and was so surprised to see that the second girl is the same one as the one of my doll best friend as she looks so different now you have given her the makeover! I much prefer your girl to what she originally looked like. Yet more temptation.... :)

    1. Thanks very much Dee, I'm glad you like her. Yes, she looks a lot different now doesn't she? I liked her at first when I saw photos of her but then I saw close ups of her face and quite honestly the style didn't do a thing for her, but I'm glad that I got the opportunity to buy her for such a good price, I was able to see for myself that she has potential. I don't think I'd have bought her at full price otherwise.

  9. Hi Lesley
    Really lovely to hear from you, thanks for commenting on my blog!
    All is well here, and as you can see, dolls are still playing a big part in my life!
    Well the girls can share with the Kidz n Cats dolls except shoes, the Gotz Happy Kidz feet are slightly bigger, but I bought them American Girl shoes instead and they fit quite well. Again Kidz n Cats patterns will work for them too. I've really been taken over by vinyl dolls, more or less in this size, from Sashas who're a bit shorter and slimmer, to these and I really am enjoying them...they are great to sew for and photograph too.
    My friend Jenni has the Hannah version with the same face mould as Charlotte and she is very pretty but I tend to like the Happy Kidz body with it's joints, even if they're not at all as versatile as BJD joints, they're fun to have.

  10. I love them both too Sharon but the brunette is my favorite girl. I love how you styled her hair and gave her such a nice outfit. She looks so wonderful now. You have once again worked your "Sharon Magic" and the result is beautiful. :) xxx

    1. Thanks very much Ginger, I too like the brunette girl, although the redhead has a place in my heart too :) xxx

  11. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Charlotte, I wouldn't have even considered her before, but she is actualky very pretty in a different outfit ����

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. Charlotte is really sweet out of that rather old fashioned outfit that she came in, I thought it made her look older than she really is supposed to be....I'm not sure what Goetz were thinking with that one!


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