Friday 21 February 2020

My UK Trip and a Stowaway!

I got back on Tuesday from my five day trip to the UK and I felt exhausted, which is odd because I didn't do that much really!  I was really happy to see that my mum is doing so well, she is now walking quite well with either the walker or her crutches, she's also cooking and able to do light housework.  The only thing she's not doing is going outside on her own, which is fair enough as the weather isn't good and I'd hate for her to slip over.  

Whilst there I did a little bit of shopping and met up with friends.  My friend Sue, who I've mentioned several times before here on my blog, brought a parcel over to my mum's house, which I'd had sent to her from Dollstown in South Korea.  I will share more of that in a future post.  Anyway, it was lovely to catch up with Sue again if only for a brief time.

One of the dolls I brought back with me is Sienna by Kaye Wiggs.  I bought her from a friend in the UK who is downsizing her collection.  In fact I bought two dolls from her but will show them seperately.

Sienna is in Coffee tan resin and I have to say that her sculpting just blew me away, she is so beautiful.  I think that she is my favourite Kaye Wiggs doll sculpt so far.  She is so realistic!

Please excuse the dust particles on her face, I forgot to blow them away before taking the photos.  

This girl is 43cm tall and has the 'Abby' body, which is the smaller of the two MSD bodies released with Kaye Wiggs dolls.  She has beautiful Coffee Tan resin which is darker than my other Kaye Wiggs dolls and is such a pretty dark tan.  There were only 50 of this doll released in this colour resin and all of them have had their faceups enhanced by Kaye herself.  My girl is number 29.  

The wig in the photos is a very dark Tibetan lambswool and although it's very full, I think it's absolutely perfect for her face sculpt.  The only problem is, I don't see all the stray hairs in the photos until I've uploaded them and put the doll away, so apologies for all of those!!!

My friend sent her with this outfit as well as two others, so Sienna has some different clothing options until I can sew for her.  I love her in these colours, I think they really suit her.

I believe these glass eyes are the ones she came with from Kaye.

I think in the past I read an interview with Kaye where she was asked where she got the inspiration for her sculpts and if I remember rightly she said that she sculpted the faces of the children she saw around her in her home country of Australia.  If this is the case then she really is spot on with this one, she so reminds me of the little Aboriginal children that live down there in Oz, she's just gorgeous!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Big hugs
Sharon xxx


  1. what a beautiful doll! she looks like a soul/r&b singer. kelis comes to my mind, though kelis's hair is usually tinted. ^_^
    i've been following your blog for a while, though i hadn't commented before. hugs!

    1. Thank you very much and I'm so sorry that I didn't respond to these comments before!
      Kelis is a good name, and thank you so much for commenting on here, you must have thought me really rude for not replying!!!
      Big hugs xxx

  2. I'm glad your mum is doing okay, it's better not going outside if the weather is bad. Also good to hear you met friends! That cheers up a lot. :) Your Sienna is adorable, I love the fluffy hair even tough I share the trouble with stray hairs with this sort of wig. ^__^ Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Xaya, and my apologies for not responding to this

  3. I am so glad that your mum is doing better and can do most things she has been doing before. It is always a relief when your loved ones start to get better. Great that you could catch up with Sue, too!

    Sienna looks so pretty! I agree that she is so realistic. The wig is perfect for her too. And stray hairs are rather normal. :)

    Interesting to read about where Kaye gets her inspiration from. Did not know that.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. My reply is so dated now but thank you anyway Niina, and so sorry for the late response. I don't know how I missed responding to these comments!!

  4. Those eyes! That hair! Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, isn't she gorgeous, I'm so happy with her.

  5. Congratulation Sharon! She looks so realistic, like a real little girl. I can easily imagine her running around, playing with her friends, laughing and even pouting. These Kaye Wiggs' dolls are so beautiful.

    1. Thank you very much :) and apologies for the late response.

  6. I am glad you had a great visit and that your mother is doing so much better.

    I love how you have photographed this new little cutie. In the last photo (black and white), she could easily be mistaken for an actual child.

    1. Hi Dorothy, sorry for the late response, thank you for your comments :) I agree, she does look so real doesn't she!

  7. Well now Sharon, guess who just turned green??? I absolutely love Sienna, and I agree, she is Kaye's best sculpt by far. If I'd had the money at the time she was released, I would have bought her myself, but alas I didn't. However, I urge you to keep posting photos so I can enjoy her from a distance.

    Congratulations and big hugs,

    1. Thanks so much Sandi, I promise that I will post regular photos of her :)
      She is such a beautiful sculpt, and very realistic.
      Big hugs xxx

  8. Your new doll looks amazing and I do agree, her hair suits her so well. The 4th and the last photo are my favourites. The outfit is lovely too, the different prints work well together.

    I'm glad that you had fun in the UK and that you're mum is doing better now. Have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks so much MC and apologies for the late response to your kind comments.

  9. Thank you Linda and my apologies for such a late response.
    I must have been having a senior moment....or two!!!


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