We came back from the coast a couple of days ago and if it was hot down there, then it is absolutely burning here inland. We've had temperatures well over 40 centigrade in the shade (if you can find any!), which is really hot....especially when we don't have central air conditioning!!! Our very old (200+ years old) Spanish house is allegedly designed to keep out the heat....yeah right! The walls are very thick downstairs and the windows quite small, so to a certain extent the heat is a bit less intense, however upstairs is another story. With the shallow roof having the sun beating down on it all day, the bedrooms are like ovens! Thank goodness for portable air con units!!
Today I received a couple of wigs in the mail from Facets by Marcia, who I can highly recommend for her great customer service,
and the fact that she never fleeces her customers with high postage. I ordered a week ago, so they arrive really quickly too! One of the wigs is for one of my incoming dolls, which I will write about below, but the other was for Keiran, my Puki Fee Bonnie, who has been without a decent wig of her own for some time now. I got her a Monique Gold Jojo in Brown Blond and as usual it was miles too long both at the back and in the fringe, so I've cut it into a cute chin length bob, as well as removed a couple of rows of the hair at the front.....I'm quite happy with how it has turned out.
Whilst I had the scissors handy, I gave little Latidoll Yellow Dragon Gabie a quick trim too. She has a lovely curly lambswool wig but I find that unless they are tamed a bit, they tend to overwhelm small dolls....I'm happy with her new shorter curls, plus it'll be so much cooler for the poor little thing in this hot weather!! ;-)

Finally, as mentioned above, I have another new doll coming! It wasn't quite meant to happen but it did, so I currently have two girls on their way to me as we speak. The first one, light tanned Layla by Kaye Wiggs, I wrote about several days ago, but the other one is another Kaye Wiggs doll and she is a sunkissed beauty called Hope. I'd originally put a WTB up for either her or Layla, bought Layla and that was it. However on the very day I'd paid for her, I got a notification email from Jpopdolls, the company that distributed Kayes dolls, saying that there would be two further opportunities to try for a Hope on Thursday, 21st June! Oh boy, how could I pass that one up!
So I set my alarm for 3.50am on Thursday last and when it went off, struggled quietly out of bed and switched on the laptop and internet. I kept refreshing the page until finally after what seemed like ages, but was only about 5 minutes, Hope became available on the Jpop website. I quickly put her into my cart and went to pay but in just a few seconds she was gone from my cart. The way a lot of these websites are set up is, although you may actually have the doll (or other item) in your cart, it isn't yours until you've paid.....so the item(s) are available for any other purchaser who might be quicker than you are! And so this was the case. I was a bit disappointed but went back to bed thinking that maybe I would try again in the morning when the second selling period arrived.
Sure enough, in the morning, the very same thing happened, someone snatched her out of my cart as I was trying to get to paypal!!!! But the weird thing is, at 6 minutes past the selling time, she appeared back up for sale, so I quickly grabbed her, paid and waited with baited breath for the confirmation email!!!! So now I have both Layla and Hope coming to live here with me!!!!
Here is a photo of Hope; isn't she lovely! (Obviously not my photo!) All the procedes from the sale of the Hope dolls will go to Kaye Wiggs' favourite charity, the information of which, is also below:
So all in all, a GREAT dolly week!
Here is a link to Kaye Wiggs' favourite charity who will benefit from the sale of her Hope girls:
Please take a look, it is such a worthwhile cause.