Tuesday 26 November 2013

Good old Cockney Fare!!!

Yesterday we went to Nerja for lunch in a sports bar called OLAS. OLAS means Over Land And Sea which is the name of the West Ham Utd football club fans magazine, and as hubby and son are big WHU fans, we had to go there.  However, my main reason for going was that they have started to serve good old traditional Cockney Pie n Mash with Eel Liquor!!!!  And that, I have to say, is my all time favourite food! (And you thought it was chocolate!!!)   Sam, my 20cm Elfdoll Hana Angel, also came she is showing you the menu!!!

And here is the meal prior to splitting open the pies and adding Sarsons Malt Vinegar....and traditionally Pie n Mash is eaten with just a fork and spoon.

The minced beef pies were excellent, the pastry had just the right amount of flakiness to it, the beef was really tasty and the bottom of the pies was just the correct consistency.  The potato had been mashed with butter, whereas the traditional way is for it to be just mashed without any butter, spread or milk, but the taste was nice and it was good and fluffy.  The eel liquor was tasty but could have done with being just that little bit thicker, and maybe a bit greener.  Apart from that, it was lovely!!!  Plus it really was the only time I've ever eaten this traditional East End meal in full sunshine with the beach and sea in front of me!!!!

In other news,  I changed the eyechips on Heather Sky for her new handmade glass ones...they are really pretty and easy to apply.  I like them a lot!   Here you can see she's stolen Baileys beret!!

Heather was one of my earlier Blythe customs and I can't decide whether I want to redo her a bit, maybe give her more of a philtrum and carve her lips a little more.  I am always worried that anything too drastic will change my favourite dolls to the point that they are no longer the dolls they were....I've found in the past that even a new faceup can change the 'personality' of a doll to the point where I no longer want him/ I'll have to give it a lot of thought.  But she really could do with some more work I think!

And finally, I removed all of Baileys hair, she is now a little baldy again!  Well almost bald anyway.  I realised once I'd tried pulling the plugs out, that I really had done a great job of the knots inside her head! :)  I thought I'd try the Prince Gregor wig on her because I'd seen Sarah Williams' (Vintage Sasha) little wider faced ex Gregor wearing it as a girl and she looked so incredibly cute!  Well I think Bailey looks so sweet too that now I'm wondering if I might save myself the job of rerooting her again, and might keep her as a wigged girl!!!!!!  I've not quite got the wig on her right yet, but will keep trying and see how it goes!!!! 


  1. Well, my old CHINA PLATE (Mate) I enjoyed looking at your TOMMY TUCKER (Supper) Couldn't believe my MINCE PIES (Eyes) when I saw Bailey in her SYRUP OF FIGS (Wig) she looks so pretty with her BARNET FAIR (Hair) like that :)

    1. LOL, you are a nut case Ronny! Do you like Pie n Mash? Actually now that I've been writing about it, I'm really hungry and could eat it again!!!!! I'll have to settle for something else though as I'm not going anywhere tonight, that's for sure!
      Glad you like the wig on Bailey, she looks so cute and sweet, doesn't she! I'm going to have to pull it about a bit more, but I'm almost there with her!!!!

    2. Good God no S, I couldn't eat pie n mash! My mum did though, she was a from a family of Russian Jews who settled in London and loved stuff like that! My Dad was from a very well spoken Christian family so those two were really chalk and cheese:)

    3. Being a Sarf London Girl born n bred! I love Pie and Mash Sharon! When I was fifteen I worked in a Pie and Mash shop on a Saturday In the Lambert walk!! and we were always given Pie n mash for our lunch and a bottle of Coke! Luvaly jubbly!! :)

      Heather skye looks very sweet with her new eyes and 'stolen' beret :)

      Are you sure you want to re root Bailey again? She is so versatile being able to were wigs!!

    4. So Ronny ended up eating the Chalk and the Cheese! ;)
      Do you remember the 'secret recipe' on making the liquor Dee? I'll trade you for it!!!
      Thanks so much on your comments on the girls, and no, I'm not sure that I really want to reroot Bailey again....maybe I will do one of the boys instead!!

  2. Just lovely Sharon - I think you've captured the expression of a little girl who's trying really hard to be just what her Mum wants her to be - and that really is an angelic little sweetheart. Leave her for a few weeks before doing anything more (imho)! Jude

    1. Thanks so much Jude, and yes, I feel that I'm almost there with her look....I'm going to leave her for now and see how it goes. I love that the wig sort of emphasises her chubbier cheeks, which is what drew me to her in the first place!!!

  3. I agree with Jude - the wig-look is great - don't do anything else too quickly!

    1. No, I won't then....I really like this look on her, so maybe she will end up staying like this! It'll certainly save me a lot of work!!

  4. You've certainly got the 'nack' with your Sasha Dolls! They all look so adorable that I'm quite envious!

    1. Awww thanks Kendal, you are too sweet....and I have to say that the 'envy' works both ways as how you have your 'gang' is what I aspire to for sure!!!

  5. That short hair actually looks really adorable on her! <3

    1. Aww thanks so much Randomfish, I'm glad you like it!

  6. That traditional meal looks delicious, Sharon:) My favourite is putu pap, sausage & spinach but it is certainly frowned upon in some circles:)
    Your Heather Sky looks fabulous with her new eyes - they seem to have depth to them that the stock eyes don't & she's a very naughty girl for taking Bailey's beret!:) Lastly, but not the least: I LOVE BAILEY!:) She is the sweetest little girl with those chubby cheeks & innocent eyes:) & I wouldn't change her for the world! Maybe you could find another brunette that you can reroot to look similar to the original Bailey?

    1. It really is, Nikola. If you ever come to England and I am there too, I'll take you to eat it!!! That putu pap sounds very interesting, why is it frowned upon though?
      I'm happy with the new eyes, and the seller has them on special offer at the moment....right after I got mine of course!!!
      Aww Bailey! Thanks so much, she does look sweet, doesn't she!
      Well I do have a boy here with a badly cut hairstyle, maybe I will do him instead!!! It was my original plan to do him, but then I got usual!!!


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