Saturday 22 March 2014

A flea-market find!

This morning we went to the big flea-market in Los Boliches, Fuengirola.  We made the effort and got up earlier...and let me tell you it was an effort, as Kara, our littlest Chihuahua had one of her epileptic fits late last night and she had me up and down nearly all night long!!!  Anyway, that aside, we were fortunate enough to actually find a parking space this week having arrived quite early! 

First, we headed for a little Danish restaurant for some breakfast.  They do a lovely Danish breakfast for just 4,95 euros, consisting of all Danish products, including crusty roll covered in poppy seeds, butter, ham, cheese, cucumber, green peppers, tomato, a very dark bread, half a Danish pastry, home-made strawberry jam, a slice of fresh orange and a cup of coffee!!!  Delicious and just the perfect way to start the day!!!

And with nicely full stomaches, it was on to the market!  As usual a lot of the stalls are full of junk....I've thrown better stuff away!!!  But today I found a little treasure, a 12 inch tall Paola Reina doll for just 10 euros!  She was wearing her full original outfit, which is her 1st Holy Communion dress, including underwear, socks and shoes, as well as head-dress and little matching bag.  She smelled dusty but she wasn't really dirty at all.  In fact, I believe that her outfit had never been removed.  I have since removed her clothes and given her a wash, she has no damage and is in perfect condition.  Her hair was very dusty and I've washed and conditioned it, she's now wearing a very attractive sock on her head, poor girl!   I've also washed her outfit, the dress has come up quite clean but her socks and knickers are a bit yellowed from age.  I will put the outfit away because I intend making her something more suitable when we go home.

These are some 'before' photos, I will take some 'after' ones tomorrow when her hair has dried.  She will look very cute with my little Asian girl from Imaginarium, that I showed on here a couple of weeks ago.

So all in all, well worth missing that little bit extra time in bed this morning!!! 



  1. She very sweet Sharon and I'm sure she'll look great in one for your up to date outfits. Loved the look of your breakfast! I would have got up early just for that!! lol
    The sock photo did make me laugh out loud! I was not expecting it ! I can just imagine her trying to walk saying " Mum ! I can't see !"
    I really need to go look round some car boots in the hope of finding a Np girl!!!

    1. LOL, yes, I have to say that breakfast is well worth getting up for Dee!
      Glad that sock look made you laugh, she looks like a mummy!!!
      Can you imagine finding an NP, my goodness, your hands would be shaking so much you'd probably not be able to hand over the money!!!!

  2. Such a sweet doll, you were lucky! Hahaha, that last photo is so funny! By the way, I would like to pass the Versatile Blogger Award on to you, I hope you like it! (information is in my latest post :-))

    1. Thanks so much Nymphaea, glad you like her. I've found out that she is actually Carol, although an older one as her outfit is different from the latest Holy Communion ones! Thank you very much for the award, I will go and read the information in a short while!

  3. She's lovely. Great find, Sharon. What a delicious breakfast. Making my mouth water.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I have to say that it was indeed delicious!!

  4. Lecker Frühstück!
    (this reminds me on one of my daughters, who just love to make photos of her meals and sending them to me frequently with comments *g)

    And what a find after this. I agree, these Paola Rheina dolls are very cute!

    1. LOL, I don't normally take photos of my meals unless they look particularly nice, like this one! I do love these Danish breakfasts though....I really go to this market just to visit this place!!! :)

  5. I love the little Paola Reina Las Amigas dolls. I have Lui, Nora and the blonde boy (forget what he's called). They have a huge following in France, along with the Les Cheries dolls. There are great little pattern books for them, but all in French. Mine live happily alongside the Sashas.
    Wish we had a good Danish cafe here - my kind of food!

    1. Aren't they sweet little dolls, and they smell so nice too!!! This one still has the vanilla scent, it is quite delicious!!!
      I will have to look out for these pattern books because usually it's not too hard to follow the instructions. I have several Japanese pattern books and have used them quite a lot!....and I don't speak a word of Japanese!
      Do you have photos of your Las Amigas anywhere? I would love to see them!

  6. Certainly different from the 'Full English Breakfast' that is served here. To me it is more like a very tasty mid morning meal.

    One of my nieces is always taking photos of the attractively arranged food when eating out. I hardly ever get the chance to eat out so no scrumptious food pics from here. My food prepared by me usually tastes OK but never looks artisitcally arranged.....and never gets the chance to be photographed as it doesn't stay on the plate for that long!

    Lovely little doll find. Looking forward tomseeing her when she is 'sockless' and re-dressed in one of your cute little outfits.
    So sorry to hear about Kara having one of her epileptic fits last night. Hope that she's feeling much better today.

    1. Oooh I love the full English breakfast but it's a bit of a no-no for me now! I shouldn't really have eaten the roll, it was too big and I even put the butter on it, which was naughty but I did give the pastry and the dark brown bread to my hubby. I sure ate everything else though!!

      Thanks very much on Kara, Kendal, she has about one or two fits per month, and I have to say it is horrible to see. We have two epileptic Chihuahuas, my vet says we are very unlucky to have two of them with this condition, but I read on the internet that it's not uncommon for Chihuahuas, and both of these didn't have a great start in life, bless them! They are both on medication though, so the fits are better than they were, thank goodness.

  7. Wonderful photos Sharon! I love your little treasure and look forward to seeing how you will dress her :) hugs, xx

    1. Thanks so much Ginger, I will take some photos of her 'after' look very soon!


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