Wednesday 1 October 2014

Relocation, relocation, relocation....the dolly/sewing room swap!

We've spent the last 5 days moving my dolly/sewing room from downstairs to upstairs and our bedroom is now downstairs.  It was blooming hard work as I have a lot of bookcases and boxes in my sewing room and our stairs are so hard and steep.  I fell like I've been at a step aerobics class several times each day!!!
Anyway, it is now finally done and apart from a few things that I still need to find homes for, everything is sorted out.  The walls could have done with a coat of paint but I really couldn't be bothered and they're not so bad, it's a nice 'sunshiney' room, or it would be if I pulled the blind up, but it can get very hot in there so I've left it down for now.  It's bigger than my old room so I was able to have my Ikea unit with the 'cube' storage on it's side, giving me space to stand my vinyl dolls....hopefully Brendan will put my wall shelves up soon and I can spread the dolls out a bit:

Blimey, how did this happen? ;)

Above and below, is the storage unit from Ikea where I house some of my fabric, it's very convenient for the vinyl kids to all 'hang out'...

Below is another unit from Ikea, the back fell off and broke as we were moving it, so now I need to find more ways of making these 'dolly' cubes look like little 'rooms' ...

Here are some closeups of the individual shelves:

This is a little room box that I once had as a gift shop....forgive the incredibly dodgy sign...I never did get around to doing it properly.  It is now set out as a childs bedroom, although no-one currently sleeps in it...looks like there might be a few visitors though, perhaps a couple of bikers and a cowboy???

Next up we have the three Little Darlings who're waiting for new outfits for their trip to the UK....if they're going to hang out with bare feet maybe they need some carpet too!  I see the cat has made himself comfy though, as cats tend to do! :)

My two Kaye Wiggs girls, Layla and Hope seem to have had an argument, could they get any further apart on that small sofa? ;)

Ah, another biker perhaps?  This Vespa is a good size for the YOSD kids...but none of them are old enough to ride it! 

 Here is where the Blythe girls are hanging seems to be 'hanging out' a little more than the others!  I think she had to give up her summer dress for Heather when I took her to the coast with me!  I think Noelle, on the far left is hoping to 'magic' some clothes onto her near naked friend....hey Dee, see she is wearing knickers if nothing else!!

Here are the majority of my resin BJDs, and I spot another 'naturist' amongst them.  Poor Narsha, being French resin, she's yellowed so much that she blends in well with the wall behind them :(  Such a shame as she's so pretty too what with her Ravendolls faceup!  

On top of the shelf unit I've stored some more boxes of yarn and fabric.....all that yarn and I can barely knit! 

As we come around the room towards my work table and the window, we have another bookcase, this one at least has some books on it...well actually they are my folders of patterns.  I have a lot of patterns as I've been collecting them and drawing them up for several years now!  I think I'm addicted as much to patterns as I am to dolls....oh and fabric too of course! ;)

On the top is my one and only Lalaloopsy doll, a gift from my son!  And then two of the several boxes of dolls clothes that I have.  All my dolls clothes boxes are sorted by size.  The smaller one is for the very tiny Elfdoll girls and the one beneath is for MSDs or Mini Super Dollfies.  As you can see I'm not so organised as to have the outfits neatly on dolly sized hangers or anything!

On the first shelf I have my little music centre which, as soon as I find the CDs, will be playing again as I sew!  Then next down we have the tiny Elfdolls in their small 'room' setting which is actually also from Ikea!  These girls have to share their shelf with my childhood Patch (Sindy's sister/friend) and my Elfdoll Hana Angel, as well as a wooden cat, a grizzly bear and Stuart Little!  

Then we are at my work table, which is a big double leaf pine one that we used to have as our dining table.  I would love to have both leaves up but there's not enough room really....I've set it up next to the window to get as much natural light as possible.  You can see there are a few dolls hanging out here too!!! 

Here is my lovely old fashioned style sewing box which I bought recently, it was to replace a similar one that broke.  My nan had one just like it which, when she died many years ago, was given to me....I had it for years until it finally fell to pieces.  I've never found other types of sewing boxes to be as good as this style:

Under the table, surprise surprise, there are two more BIG boxes full of fabric, one contains all blues and lilacs and the other is all pinks and reds!

This box is full of ribbons, appliques, elastics and such forth.  And appears to be the 'graveyard' of a broken pedal car and a headless doll....I couldn't bring myself to throw the poor doll out, after all, she might just "come in handy"! :)

Next to my work table is an old Ikea (notice a theme here!) wardrobe.  Inside I added an old bookcase because the bottom half was wasted space.  The top shelve houses all my art supplies such as acetone, paint removers, paints, pastels of all types, sealants and watercolour pencils.  I also squeeze my glue gun, doll stands and whatever else that doesn't yet have a home and will fit on to that shelf....notice the slight 'bowing' in the centre! LOL

The bookcase below houses (from top to bottom, left to right), a large box of Sasha and 18 inch dolls clothes, a box of Blythe customising odds and ends, embroidery and cross stitch floss, my electric sander and carving tools, a box full of BJD eyes, the pink box contains wigs of all sizes, then there is my box of Sasha (and larger) dolls shoes, and finally on the bottom we have a bag of dollfie 'cushions', a case of Little Darlings clothing, a box of Kaye Wiggs sized clothes and in front, a box of Sasha sized wigs!!

On top of the wardrobe are more boxes of dolls you'll have gathered, I never seem to throw dolls clothes away.....

 Oh look!  What's this? Must be more boxes of fabric...this time we have plain knits and ....something else, can't even remember what's in that bottom one!  But I'm sure it'll come in handy one day!

And then we are back at the door again.  This wall faces the window so I didn't want any dolls to be standing in direct sunlight, although it looks like we've found one porcelain one snoozing on the shelf...or could she be drunk?  This unit, once a shoe storage cupboard thingy, got revamped by Brendan with me in mind.  It houses my printer, the telephone, more storage units on top, and beneath we have knitting patterns, my small tripod, craft and doll books, and finally on the bottom, my lovely big Dewalt yellow tool box...full to the brim with my tools!  Oh and a small photograph printer which probably isn't working anymore as it's been so long since I used it.  The tall plastic unit you can see just to the left contains all sorts of things such as postage forms, envelopes, socks for making dolly tights from, dolls hair adornaments, anything that I couldn't find a home elsewhere for, basically!

And finally, last but not least, I have this, which is a treasured couple of caricatures which we had done many years ago on separate holidays in Florida. I recently put them in a frame but now there doesn't seem to be much wall space available to fit them on!  But I'm sure I'll find somewhere eventually, even if it's just on the wall of the loo! ;)

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you've enjoyed this 'tour' of my dolly/sewing room!!!


  1. Thanks Sharon, this is such a lovely post! your collection is beautiful, I love how you displayed and arranged the dolls, and the little touches. You have TONS of sewing material....I only have five boxes and thought that was a lot of fabric!
    Thanks for sharing!
    kisses Billa

  2. I love seeing round peoples sewing rooms/doll rooms. It would be so great to wander through looking in boxes , checking out the dolls, I would take hours!! Amazing how other peoples things can be soo interesting! I love the Ikea unit with the square clear drawers! Would be great if I ever get my studio!!
    Seeing all the different dolls in their 'rooms', especially the Kaye wiggs girls sitting as far away from each other as possible obviously had an argument there!!
    Thanks for showing us round Sharon, we soo love to be nosy!! lol
    hugs Dee xxx

  3. Thanks so much for the tour. I love seeing others' sewing rooms/spaces, especially if they enjoy sewing for or collecting dolls. I also collect patterns. You have your patterns much more organized than I do. I'm in the process of deep cleaning my sewing room. I think a trip to Ikea may be in order...
    Nosy Julie

  4. Many thanks for this wonderful and most interesting tour of your sewing room this morning!
    What a lot of items you seamstresses and doll customisers have to store!

    I particularly loved seeing the majority of your dolls hanging out on the Ikea cubed storage unit (how useful that it can also work on it's side!) and the little room settings in one of the bookcases.

    In one of my wardrobes I too have extra added storage at the bottom (a chest of drawers) with the shorter clothing items hanging above but I have also used small bookcases to store my shoes in their boxes on the shelves.

    The doll props that I spotted and liked the very most were the Vesta scooters, the trunk and case and the little red trike. Oh!.... and that dear little wooden open cube unit in the Elfdoll's room shelf

  5. It looks as though you acheived great results with all that effort Sharon. It was lovely to see your workspace and all your dolls. We are so far from a branch of iKEA that I haven't seen those wonderful cubed storage units. Your dolls look very comfortable on there and the containers look stylish and tidy. We do have those Billy bookcases but, sadly, my husband likes to more than fill them all with books - no dolly space to be had

    As for Dee liking to see workrooms and doll spaces - she would NOT like to see mine just now---I'd be on the next episode of Hoarders if it came under public gaze. I do so wish that builders, like surgeons, could carry out keyhole house repair surgery instead of taking over the entire building just because one corner needs propping up...Well, I have to blame somebody for the mess and I KNOW the bulders won't read this and take issue over it....

  6. Thank you for giving us a tour in your room, I love seeing how other collectors' doll rooms look like. You have so much fabric, how wonderful to have so much choice! Your dolls are displayed so nice, it's a pleasure to see all these pretty dollies together :-). Great post!!! xxx

  7. You sewing room is sunny and cheerful and so full of wonder. Thank you for an amazing tour. I can see why you are totally worn out with so many items to relocate. How nice that your collections are now displayed so beautifully. I will like to imagine you in this happy room while you make your heavenly creations :) xxx

  8. merci pour la visite, moi ma pièce n'est pas si bien rangée ......comme vous j'ai plein de tissus,de laine ...
    c'est bien d'avoir la table près de la fenêtre pour la lumière ...
    j'ai beaucoup les poupées Sasha ,elles sont très belles !
    bonne journée !

  9. That looks like such a fun room that I don't know how you leave it!! LOL I love seeing "behind the scenes" like this; your collection looks great displayed this way. :D

  10. I love your sewing room. It's really nice. I do think you need more dolls and more fabric though. LOL

  11. Thanks so much for all the nice comments about my 'new' sewing/doll room!!! Glad you enjoyed the 'tour'!
    Lene I agree with you totally, one can never have enough!!!
    Hugs Sharon xxx

  12. jak cudownie mieć swój warsztat - swoją pracownię, gdzie można
    zostawić pracę w danym momencie i za kilka dni do niej wrócić
    bez obawy, że ktoś choćby niechcący coś zmienił...
    jestem pod wrażeniem wszystkich pojazdów jednośladowych <3


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