Thursday 9 March 2017

Dollstown Seola ....

You all must know by now that I love dolls with expressive faces, whether they be sad, grumpy or in this case pretty forlorn!  I don't know why but they appeal to me more than happy dolls....I have had happy smiling faces in the past but they just don't seem to stay here long!  Here is an example of one of those who only stayed a short while because his happy open mouth drove me nuts!!!!  (Looks like I wasn't the only one who was driven nuts by this little one's constantly open mouth!!!)

So when I saw this gorgeous Dollstown Seola on a DT7 (7 year old style body) for sale on Den of Angels I just had to go for her.  I had been watching Ebay and DOA for more than 6 months in case a Dollstown girl came up for sale but the couple that did, were both outside of the EU and I really couldn't afford to pay customs on top of the price of the doll, so when this lovely girl was put up for sale by a seller in the UK, I jumped on her!  She came with pink eyes and a mid brown straight wig so I immediately changed her eyes to these brown glass ones and then set about finding the perfect wig for her from my overflowing wig box.   You will also see that she has white eyelashes, I think these will eventually go and she'll have natural brown ones.

I finally settled on this Tibetan lambswool wig that I made for my Little Darlings, which is actually too small but because I liked it on her, I decided to adapt it a bit.  It still falls off, being a bit small, but I'm working on that!!

Seola will now be known as Mouse after a dear friend of mine who encouraged me to go for her when I showed her the 'for sale' thread!!!

In the photos below she is borrowing a dress and leggings from my Kaye Wiggs girls but today I made her a new dress and will take some more photos soon and share them on here.

I love her delicate waif-like appearance..... (please excuse the stray hairs, it was windy!)

Even Yoda seemed keen on this girl! ;)

Thank you for stopping by today, I hope you're having a great week :)

Hugs Sharon x


  1. There's something fae about this new girl - do you think she may be one of the Little People?
    I really like the photo where she's looking down, she seems so 'real'!

    1. Thank you Rosie, and yes, it is possible she is of the Little People!
      Though Brian thinks she has a look of being constipated again....sadly he thinks this about all my dolls!!!

  2. Again a beautiful outfit on your sad but dear little Mouse. Love the fabric of her dress, maybe the bright colors will cheer her up?? Looks like Yoda wants to cheer her too. Dogs sense our moods, don't they? Thank you for sharing and for the happy week's wishes. ❤ XXX

    1. Thank you Ginger :) She is sad looking isn't she!
      I do agree with you, dogs really do sense our moods. I know our Lucy does in particular!

  3. Oh it has been ages it feels, since I have been out appreciating other blogs! Your Mouse is amazing! That is quite an expression! What a story it would tell, eh?
    I love her dress!

    1. Thank you Jano, I'm glad you like her, I'm very happy with her.

  4. lol Why am I not surprised the happy doll had to go! :) But I do love these dollstown dolls despte their sad look! :) I'm glad you changed her eyes from PINK to the brown and I love the tibetan wig!
    The dress suits her well and I just love her name :)
    I wonder if they have any happy dollstown dolls... lol :) xxx

    1. LOL you knew it Dee!!!! I'm just not a 'very happy doll' sort of person which is funny really because I myself am actually a generally happy sort of person! Maybe that is it, I need some balance ;)
      I really love Dollstown dolls too, I had one before but sold her to buy a different doll, but they don't seem to come up for sale that often at the moment!
      No, they don't seem to have any happy dollstown dolls if I remember rightly, but some are less sad looking than this one!

  5. Sharon, you seem to have an ability of envisioning the potential of a doll because I always love seeing how you customize them to fit into your doll family. This doll is stunning to me and she reminds me of someone I know, but I can't put my finger on it. She has a familiar face, if that makes sense!

    1. Thank you so much Farrah! I'm really glad you like this girl, she is really appealing to me and I'm glad I adopted her!

  6. Wonderful expression. Especially love her down-turned mouth.

    1. Thank you Kendal, she really does have that sad mouth, doesn't she!

  7. Sometimes it's really hard to find connection with doll with face expressions. But Seola looks sad or pensive depends on photo, and very attractive. I think she likes that she's with you now, you have good connection with her.

    Will you change her make up too or just eyelashes?

    1. You're right Ariadne, it often is!
      I'm glad you find her attractive, as I do too, I really like her face.
      I won't change her makeup, although I admit that I did add a little extra blush as she was a little bit pale. I might change her eyelashes eventually but for now I'm leaving these ones on.

  8. hi there Sharon! i know this is the wrong post to talk about your Enyo, but i couldn't find a contact button...i wanted to ask about restringing and hot gluing the joints that you mentioned...also to know if Blythe sweaters and skirts would fit Irrealdoll? thanks! michael :)

    1. Hi Michael, no probs, ask away! Here is my email if you would like to email me and we can talk about Enyo.

      Hugs Sharon x

  9. Congratulations on your new girl. I am totally with you on the "too happy" face thing! I adore the Fairyland tiny dolls, but I just cannot bring myself to get the Pong sculpt. I think that is one doll that needs two faceplates - one happy and another with a more subtle smile.

    1. Thanks very much Sam! I agree with you on the tinies from Fairyland. I had several at one time and they are all so very cute, but Pong just drove me nuts with his constant chatter ;)

  10. Can I ask where you find these dolls with such expressive faces? I'm not a collector, but my daughter wants a doll that is more interesting... Are there brands you would recommend? Or are the the interesting ones all antiques that are hard to find? Thanks for any suggestions...

    1. Hi there and thank you for visiting, I must apologise for the delay in responding to your message.
      In answer to your question, there are several places, in fact quite a lot of places really, where you can get dolls with very expressive faces. It really depends on what type of doll you're looking for (ie resin, plastic, vinyl etc) and how much you would like to spend. Also of course it depends on the age of your daughter. For example the resin dolls are probably very expensive for a child to play with, plus they have to be handled carefully, kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat. Also, because they usually have handpainted faces, they also have to be handled quite carefully. The same goes for some of the vinyl dolls, especially dolls called the Little Darlings, as although they are vinyl, they are also delicately handpainted, their eyes are beautiful but are created through several layers of paint and sealant by the artist who paints them.
      However, there are still some lovely dolls available that don't have to be handled so delicately and depending on your daughter's age, she might love. One of those brands are Gotz of Germany who make lovely jointed vinyl dolls called Classic Kids and Happy Kidz. They are reasonably priced, all vinyl dolls, with inset acrylic eyes and rooted hair that can be washed and styled. Alternatively, if she'd prefer a more quirky faced doll, then Zwergnase have a range of dolls in two sizes called Juniors, they are all vinyl too and although they don't have joints in their elbows and knees, they still have very expressive faces. It really all comes down to your daughter, your budget and your daughter's taste in dolls. I hope you find what she's looking for but please don't hesitate to email me on if you'd like any more help with websites etc.
      Hugs Sharon x


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