Monday 29 May 2017

Introducing Pip...

I just to share a few photos of the new boy, Enyo, who I bought at the BlytheCon Europe last weekend.  He will now be known as Pip. 

During the week I made him a wig using alpaca, and an outfit of overalls, tee shirt and socks.  I wanted his wig to look very boyish and to have untidy hair....I think you'll agree that I certainly achieved the latter! LOL



I do like these little dolls when they're kept bald, I think they look baby like and sweet, but I wanted my boy to fit in with the other dolls of his size here and to look about 3 or 4 years old rather than a baby, hence the wig.  I do like this look on him, so although the wig isn't perfect, he will keep this look for now.

Thank you for visiting!  I hope you all have a great week ahead!

Hugs Sharon x


  1. Pip is such an endearing little chappie! Love his new homemade wig (reminds me of my lad, Ross's re-root) and sweet boyish outfit.
    Wishing you both many hours of fun and happiness together.

    1. Thank you very much Kendal, I'm very happy to have been able to bring him home with us!! I can see what you mean about his hair, a little surfer kid in the making!

  2. Pip looks so cute! I love his outfit! I love his hair! I love everything about him! It must take a lot of skill to make such a tiny outfit! I can just about put together a dress for Ezri and I find that fiddly enough! I look forward to seeing more photos of him :D xx

    1. Thanks very much Jane, I'm glad you like him and his outfit/hair. It is a challenge making such small clothes but I admit that I used to make even smaller ones for Denver Doll Emporium back in another lifetime! But this is about as small as I'm prepared to go these days!

  3. Such an expressive face! He's adorable! :)

  4. He certainly looks boyish and, behind that sweet face, like mischief! I love his dungarees outfit, it suits him so well, and it's a very good fit.

    1. Thank you Ursula, I'm glad you like him. I think he is going to prove mischievous, but there will be power struggle between him and my Secretdoll Person!!

  5. He looks so cute, I can't imagine him with any other hairstyle or outfit, they both suit him to a tee. Well done, Viv.

    1. Thank you very much Viv, I'm glad you like him. I was thinking that I'd keep him bald but now that he has hair, I really like his look, so he will probably stay this way :)

  6. I think he looks great in the wig and it really suits him. I also think he's nicer as a 3 -4 year old than a baby.
    I also love that outfit you made him, I can see him getting into all sorts of things. And a great name too , Pip it suits him :) xx

    1. Thanks very much Dee. I agree on the age, that is where I have him, rather than a baby which he resembles more without the wig.
      I suspect he might end up being spoilt, as he's going to be my only boy bjd!

  7. Oh Sharon, he's absolutely adorable and I love that you have styled him the way you have, he makes a great little boy. well done!!!
    Big hugs,

  8. Hello Pip!
    What a sweet little fellow he is, Sharon. He couldn't have found a better mum, either. J xx

    1. Thanks very much Jen, that's a lovely thing to say. xxx

  9. Pip is ever so cute. I think he also needs a brown wig, just so he has options like your girls do! ☺️X

    1. Thanks very much Lou! I did try him with brown hair but it didn't really suit his skin tone....he has this light tan so I thought his hair should be streaked from the sunshine too.
      But I will certainly keep my options open!


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