Sunday 12 July 2015


Oh dear!  I was trying to think of something catchy as a title for this post...and between me and the hubby, who is usually very good at that sort of thing, this is all we could come up with.  But what does it mean I hear you ask!  Well nothing really!  It's just that this little one below, Samantha, my 20cm tall Elfdoll Hana Angel, came to Torrox Costa with us the other day and didn't want to wear a hat....geddit now?  Sombrero, non-brero?!  Yes, I shouldn't give up the day job  now, should I! :)

But we finally got her to stand still WITH the hat on, to take a couple of photos.  I suppose it could have been worse, she is my doll with 3 different face plates, one of which is a very grumpy face.....I really should have photographed her in that one!

Instead just a couple of very straight faced poses from Sam....but it was so hot this is all we got of her before she had to go back into my handbag and get out of the sunshine!!!

(As per usual when I'm taking photos in public, they are not great and quick rushed, just in case someone spotted me....and sent for the men in white coats to cart me off!)

Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny Sunday as we are!


  1. She's another sweetie Sharon ! Love her in that hat! Looks like it was very public with all those umbrellas on the beach behind you!
    Well done in taking a few shots :) The more times you do it the easier it becomes but it is best not to get too much attention there's always someone who things they can comment!! :) xx

    1. Thanks very much Dee, glad you love her in her hat! Yes, it was quite busy, not Torremolinos busy for example, but still relatively so! It's a nice resort and very popular with German a lot of German food for sale too, which is delicious! Although we had Chinese! :)
      I keep being told that the more you do it, so the easier it becomes, but I still struggle with taking doll photos in public even after all these years!!!!

  2. Hi Sharon, Samantha is absolutely adorable. So nice that you finally got her hat on! Maybe she thought it was too hot for a hat! ;) i love your sunny photos at the beach. I took my beach photos quickly too but I am sure I was known as that crazy doll lady! Oh well, it was worth it to get the photos. We are having a happy day mixed with sun and threat of more rain. A very sweet post, thank you! :) xxx

    1. Thank you Ginger! I am glad you like her! I think you're right, the hat was too hot really, but she needed something to keep the sun off her very pale skin!! ;)
      I know exactly what you mean about the beach photos.....I wish that I could just say "oh well, let them look!" but I don't find it comfortable at all, as much as I try. My hubby says to take no notice and get on with it, that people have better things to do with their time but I'm not happy taking the chance!!! ;)

  3. Very daring of you Sharon to get that dear little doll and your camera out in such a public place.....although it looks slightly more discreet and deserted where you are sitting at that table whilst giving you a sturdy flat surface for the standing and posing.though it's a wonder that the size and weight of that hat didn't off balance her in the process

    1. Very daring Kendal!!!! Particularly as we were sitting on the prom where everyone walks past!!!
      You're right on the hat, but luckily her big sneakers helped to keep her standing upright! LOL


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