Saturday 1 April 2017

A Great Dolly Week!

The past week brought some great dolly activity here in Spain and so I thought I'd share with you on my blog.

Firstly I made some overall sets for the Wichtel dolls and as you'll have seen on the previous post, the first set sold immediately....then so did the second set, even as I was cutting the last few threads! ;)  So both those sets are going to live in the US on Monday.  Here is the second set:

I think I prefer working this way, making something and then (hopefully) selling, rather than having a commission list as it makes me feel less pressurised.  I can also sew for the dolls I want to rather than those I have to.

Next I received a couple of very cute dresses in the post from a lady in the Netherlands who sells under the name Hello Blue Hare on Etsy.  The dresses are meant for Blythe but I knew that Sam, my little Elfdoll Hana Angel would be itching to get her hands on them when they arrived, and I wasn't wrong!  Here she is modelling one of them today when she took her skateboard out for the first time this year!!!  (Tights and boots are both for Blythe, hat is old now but was made by an ebay seamstress for a Lati Yellow doll, sunglasses are from Robert Tonner for Sindy, skateboard is one of those fingerboards from the local toyshop!).  I love that Sam is able to wear Blythe outfits so well now that she has a Jerry Berry resin body.

And finally, I have mentioned before on here that I wanted a new faceup for my tanned Little Fee Ante as I'd not been over keen on her Fairyland default face.  It wasn't that the faceup was ugly, not even remotely, but the shine under the bottom eyelashes and around the mouth just bugged me.  So I asked an old friend of mine, Olga, who customises Blythes under the name Vainilladolly, if she would give her a new faceup for me.  I visited with Olga yesterday and she has made my girl look absolutely gorgeous!!!  I'm sure you will agree!  And as well as that, Ante, who was previously called Marisol, now has a new name!  From now on she will be called Tyrone!  I know it's generally thought of as a boy's name but I love boyish names for my girls :)   I also made her a new smocked top especially to celebrate her new look!

I apologise in advance for the profusion of photos but I couldn't resist sharing her sweet face and couldn't then decide on which were my favourites!!!! 

In this photo Tyrone was fed up with all the photos and wanted to get back outside in the sunshine to play!!   "Just a few more sweetie!"

 "Be careful Tyrone!  I think you're getting a little bit too daring!"   (Little Fees really are the BEST posers!)

I know I'm prejudiced but isn't she beautiful!  I love Olga's faceups, her and Ravendolls are my very favourite faceup artists :)  It was also great being able to enjoy some dolly chat with Olga and share a smoothie in the sunshine!!

So that has been my dolly week!  I hope you've enjoyed reading about it and hope that you all have a great weekend and that the coming week is also good for you!!

Big hugs, Sharon xx


  1. Lovely blog Sharon and especially adore your last little girl, she is a real cutie and the camera loves her x

    1. Thanks very much Louise, I'm glad you enjoyed it and liked seeing my girls new look :)

  2. Tyrone is simply delightful! You are right, her new faceup is beautiful and she photographs really well.

    1. Thanks very much Sam, I'm very happy with her new look.

  3. Hi Sharon! Nice to have you come to visit Hiya Dolly! And nice to see lots of posts here and on IG...
    Love your bright overalls! And Sam is definitely looking all-that.
    Tyrone is a sweetie! And there's some of those great outdoor shots I enjoy so much!

    1. Thanks very much Jano, and thank you for visiting us here in Spain :)
      I'm glad you enjoyed the outdoor shots as I really do like taking them, I find the colours and the light here very co-operative!!

  4. Some truly fabulous posing and photgraphy here... not to mention the trendy outfits.

    1. Thanks very much Kendal, I'm glad you enjoyed this post!

  5. Looks like you had a lovely doll Week !. I do love the overall sets you made the Wichtels and had to so resist asking after that blue one when it was put on! Trying to be good is very hard when you place such temptation in my view!!lol
    I do love the new face up on Tyrone and her new name, she looks much more natural now and I love her little outfit, so sweet on her. xxx

    1. Thanks so much Dee. I will be making some more clothing for the Wichtels as I enjoy working with their size, so please watch this space as they say!

  6. What a great post, Sharon!
    I love your Little Fee Ante, she has so much character. The Wichtel outfit is perfect too .....I have to keep my little Shannon from seeing it! It is much better to buy to sell in the way you have moved to - far less stressful and it also leaves you time to sew for your own dolls when you want to.

    1. Thank you very much Jenni! Isn't she a great little girl, and yes she does seem to have character, I really do like the tan resin, it works so well in the sunshine.
      I'm enjoying doing my own thing sewing wise, it really is less stressful than having a year long waiting list and feeling panicked because of it.

  7. Tyrone is adorable, with amazing face painting. I love the top she is wearing especially so and her outfit is wonderful. Well done! A great post! 😊 XXX

    1. Thanks so much dear Ginger. I'm glad you enjoyed this post :)

  8. Hi Sharon,
    I understand you not wanting to do commissions, I don't enjoy doing them either, I think it stiffles your creativity somewhat. Love the Ladybird overalls, they look so cute, perfect for a little Wichtel.

    Love all the photos of Tyrone, she is so wonderfully photogenic. I have always liked the Ante sculpt and own two myself, but the new face up really does her justice...hats off to Olga. :)

    1. That's it exactly Xanadu, for me it was the length of my waiting list too, people shouldn't have to wait that long for outfits for their dolls but I just couldn't work any faster without compromising something. And yes, definitely it stiffles creativity, especially when people want the same outfit as someone else, over and over again!!! I enjoy doing it this way far more.
      Thanks for your nice comments on my Ante, it really is my favourite of the LTF sculpts.

  9. When I saw your Sam, I've had thought how lucky you are that at list one doll can wear Blythe outfits (except Blythe themselves, of course). Because when I see wonderful Blythe outfits I'm really pity that nobody of my dolls can wear them.

    But then I saw your Tyrone, and all my thoughts popped out of my head! She is so cool! :)

    1. I agree, it's great to have a doll that is able to wear Blythe outfits other than Blythe herself.....especially as there are sooo many patterns and outfits available in this size.
      I'm glad you liked Tyrone too, I'm very happy with her, she's very sweet!

  10. Tyrone is gorgeous! I too like boys names for girls. I have noticed that James has been increasingly used for girls ( my son is called James ) I chose Ezri for my Sasha as she was a Prince Gregor, but I also liked Zephyrine, so she got both :) Jane

    1. Thank you so much Jane, I do love her! I love boys names for girls, but had never heard of James being used as a girls name, but I like it! In the Blythe World I've noticed loads of boys names being used for girls.
      I don't think I'd heard of Zephyrine before, it's a nice name and so is Ezri. My son is called Brendan and here in Andalucia, where the Spanish language is spoken by most people in a very 'lazy' way, he is often called Brenda.....we've had to explain to so many people that Brenda is actually a woman's name! I guess it's not so common for men to be given women's names, is it!!


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