Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter dear friends.....

I hope everyone who celebrates Easter had a lovely weekend and for those who don't celebrate it, then I wish you a Happy Spring!!!

I took a few photos of Olive today in her pink Easter dress!  It's not really an Easter dress as such but it's one I made for her in anticipation of her arrival and I think these are the first photos I've taken of her wearing it, although she has tried it on before.  It's a little long in the sleeves because I thought her arms were longer than they actually are!!!  But she doesn't seem to mind and I'm sure she'll grow into it!! 

She has teemed it with ORANGE tights!  Yes orange!  Because apparently, according to little Olive, they go with one of the umbrellas on the skirt part of her dress!!!  Fair enough, can't argue with that!!  She also wears her tulle underskirt and her brown boots!!!  Quite a combination!

Here she is amongst the Jasmine, which I have to say smells beautiful at the moment!!


  1. Actually, Sharon, long sleeves which come almost to the tips of the fingers is quite the thing with young people!!! She seems to have a very well developed dress sense! I think the orange tights bring a je ne sais quoi to the ensemble! Terribly cute! I love the way she holds that flower!!!
    Enjoy what's left of the Easter weekend! xxx Karin

    1. Thanks so much for commenting Karin, I'm glad that Olive is trendy....although I have to say that her sleeves are way past the ends of her fingertips!!! LOL....But you never know, she may grow into it!! She really does have an enviable 'sense of style' doesn't she!!!

  2. She is of course entirely right - the orange tights match her auburn hair as well and if a red-head is going to be bold enough to wear pink then she can get away with orange tights in the same outfit! She is very pretty, lovely with the Jasmine.
    Happy Easter.

    1. LOL she really is very bold, there is no doubt about that! Thanks for commenting, DollMum, I'm glad you like little Olive!
      I hope you had a Happy Easter too!

  3. She is so sweet! Well done you for dressing must be difficult making clothes that small :)

    1. Thanks very much Ronny! She is small but not the smallest that I sew for. The smallest size that I sew jeans for are the 12cm Lati Yellow Specials or the Fairyland Puki Puki's, I will have to share some photos on here of those. In fact I might do so today as I've not taken any other photos this space!!

  4. Wishing that my two different species of Jasmine were in flower instead of looking quite forelorn and be-raggled.
    Great poses with this tiny little tot.

    1. Thanks so much Kendal. Our Jasmine has been in flower for a while now and the perfume is really strong, especially later in the day. I like it at first but it can get a bit much when both plants are in bloom. They say here in Spain that wearing a bunch of Jasmine on your lapel will keep the flies away in summer and a lot of elderly people can be seen sporting a 'corsage' of the little white flowers....I don't think I could have it right under my nose like that though....I think I'd have to suffer the flies!!


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