Saturday 2 March 2013

Waves are up!

Hubby and I went for a walk down to the beach after lunch today and I took a few photos of Olive, my Jerry Berry Sleepy Berry.  It was soooo incredibly windy that I had to hold really tight to her as she honestly felt like she was going to be pulled right out of my hands!

Olive wanted to flap her arms and fly like the seagulls, high in the sky!

The sun was reflecting on the water, but it really struggled to get through the clouds!


And here are a few photos of four of our dogs, which I took during the week.  The only one missing from these is Lucy, our Miniature Pinscher, who rarely stays still long enough to be in the photos!!

From L to R: Kara, Suki, Yoda and Choco

Yoda's face shows her disapproval of the shenanigans going on behind her on the sofa!

I had to share this photo as it is so rare for Yoda to actually sit for me to take her photo, she usually runs at the camera!!!  Note she is wearing her 'off the shoulder' number....showing a bit too much cleavage for my liking!!!! 

Hope you enjoy!!!


  1. Oh this is so funny you made me giggle about her showing her cleavage! How old is she? Love your dogs, they are so much fun.

    Glad your little girl didn't get swept away by the wind!

    1. LOL yes, the little floozy!! She is actually younger than she looks, she will be 5 years old in a few days! I don't know why she went so grey at such a young age....she has no worries in the world!!

  2. More pictures of your beautiful canines Sharon! They are gorgeous! I think Cooper has a soft spot for Kara :)

    1. Thanks Ronny! LOL I will have to take some 'pin-up' shots of Kara for Cooper then! ;)

  3. Photos of the sea's waves never fail to fascinate me. I just love the sea and beaches and the fresh sea air. Makes one feel SO alive.

    When I first saw the photos of your little dogs I thought that I was back at Sarah Price's home as she too has five of these tiny dogs.
    Am I allowed to ask why was Koda wearing a coat and the others weren't?
    My late Yorkshire Terrier dog, Zipadeedodah (Zip, Zippy for short) had one of these polo necked jumpers but without the sleeves in royal blue. I used to put it on her when we were out walking so that her longish hair wouldn't collect the twigs and dried leaves that she used to tend to 'Hoover/vacum up' along the way when she wasn't wearing it.

    1. I'm the same with the sea Kendal and the smell.....oh I just love the smell of the salty water and the lovely scent of refreshing!
      Oh really! Someone else who loves little Chihuahuas! And of course you're allowed to ask about Yoda's coat. Well firstly she has a bit of a weak chest as she had a very bad start in life, and secondly, she is really the only one who will keep a coat on!! Kara usually walks right out of hers because she is so small and the smallest size available is still too big! The only one she manages to keep on is one my mum knitted her because she made it to fit! And the other three just will not keep them on at all. Lucy, my Miniature Pinscher, acts like she can't even walk if I put one on her, and Choco just wees himself in panic if I try to dress him. And finally Suki, the blond fluffy one, she won't even let me put one on her, but luckily she has very thick fur so she doesn't seem to get so cold!
      They are a funny bunch, they all have such different personalities!!!
      And yes, I know exactly what you mean about the long fur collecting everything up with it!!!

  4. First of all, beautiful beach, you lucky thing!!! Maybe not warm enough to paddle in at the moment, but nice walks along I am sure. And those dogs! They are gorgeous! I bet they have huge personalities! And she really does resemble Yoda! Well named. Totally coquettish! Great fun your blog. xxx Karin

    1. Thanks so much Karin! I'm glad you enjoy the blog. I will have to post a photo of Yoda when she was a baby and you will REALLY see why she is so called!!! They really do have big personalities, and Yoda has one of those faces that really is very expressive!!
      Big hugs Sharon xx


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