Tuesday 21 January 2014

Expecting a baby!!!

Yes, at my age!!!!

After all this time of procrastinating, I am finally expecting a baby!  Yes, he will hopefully be here next week.  It was all very simple in the end, no nine months of indigestion, swollen ankles and stretchmarks this time round, no, just a quick chat with Shelly and hitting a few buttons on Paypal and he's on his way!!!

And yes, I know I said that I didn't want to add any more dolls to my Sasha family, but  1) I had already decided before Christmas that I might want a baby (I have witnesses!!!), and 2) he is just a small little fellow and won't eat much so therefore doesn't count!! :)

Here is his photo stolen in broad daylight from Shelly's site:

And he's described as thus:

1969 Sexed baby boy in Dollydoodles outfit . This sweet faced little chap is one of the earliest babies produced and comes complete with his original stringing striped to his legs , usually these babies have a quirky brow but this little baby missed out ;o( . He has beautiful soft and silky perfectly styled hair and raised lids with dark brown eyes . His lips have oxidised. He comes wearing a velcro nappy and a sweet little Dollydoodles outfit which is a little loose at the waist so could do with some new elastic. 

I think I'm going to call him Alberto, or Bertie for short!


  1. Congratulations S!!!!!!!!! He's lovely :)

    1. Thanks Ronny! I know that originally I was thinking 'brunette', but I saw this one and thought he was really cute...I was going to pass him up but then his price was reduced yesterday and honestly, I can't resist a bargain! So I snapped him up!!!

  2. Oh if only I'd thought of doing it that way a few decades ago! I'd be so wealthy and probably have a few less grey hairs if I'd stuck to the babies who are quiet, don't need food, outings, more than a handful of toys, school fees etc. and, best of all, never grow out of anything!(Sorry 'kids' don't really mean it, but wait until you make me a grandma and THEN you'll see....LOL)
    Congratulations! He's very cute.
    Jenni x

    1. LOL yes, I know what you mean...but I also know that you're only joking and like me, you'd not change your kids for the world!!
      I also appreciate the 'grandma' comment because I'm always asking my son when he's going to give me a grandchild to play dolls with!!! :)
      Thanks Jenni!

  3. Congratulations! He's adorable! (And he's a Sasha BABY, which is a totally different thing than Sasha, so he falls outside your resolution. Right? LOL)

    1. Thanks Lynn! And you're so right! A Sasha baby doesn't count, does it! :)

  4. I go along with everything the other three have said - this dear little fellow won't be any trouble at all, that is unless like me, you get carried away and end up with 3 babes - then they can be a bit of a handful, but just so endearing they can get away with anything! Congratulations, I knew it wouldn't take you too long!

    1. LOL, how easily we justify ourselves and our purchases, eh Jude?! :) I hope he'll not be any trouble and to be honest, if he gets me up during the night, it'll be no different from two of my Chihuahuas who get me up on average about 4 times a night for drinks and trips to the 'loo' I can't possibly look any more haggard from sleep deprivation than I do already!!!
      Thanks Jude! Actually, I know you probably won't realise this but I've actually been umming and aahing now for about 6 months!!!! (I did it relatively quietly!!!!)

  5. All is said, but not from me
    - but I totally agree, because I also didn't like swollen ankles.
    He's a cutie and no way quirky (so no need to run after him and this is good for your ankles as well *g)

    1. Thanks Digne, I hope he'll be well behaved....but if I do have to run after him, the exercise will do me good! LOL

  6. Congratulations to the proud new mummy to be! I have to agree with all that has been said as well...for me it was the severe hyperemesis that put me off pregnancy! He looks like he is going to be quite a well behaved little lad.

    1. Thanks Lorraine! I don't even KNOW what severe hyperemesis is....which is probably just as well, as I might have had to have it when I was pregnant too! I got everything else that was going!!!!

  7. :D here's what I think happened: a week of sorting and organizing fabric with no Sasha/Gregor play time = a slip of the finger! He's super cute Sharon & I love his vintage - congrats:) I'm also suspecting that once he arrives, he'll soon convince you of another little sibling to play with….:)

    1. LOL Nikola, don't encourage me, you know I am bad enough on my own!!!! Thanks though and I'm sure you're right. Cleaning and tidying is NOT good for me because it gives me too much time to think about things.....and now look what's happened!! Anyway, I hope I'll be happy with him.....I might have to commission you for one of those lovely hats you make with the long bit and the knot on the end! Sooooo cute!!!!! (Notice how I'm already thinking about things he'll need????)!!!! :)

  8. He's gorgeous Sharon, I must confess I paused and looked at him a time or two myself!! I'm sure you will love him amd he'll settle in quite well, if not you can alway's send him here :)
    If only it was this simple to have a baby! I might have had another!! but three C sections was more than enough for me!!
    Now I'll wait for the grandchildren to spoil and give back when they are cranky .. :)

    1. Thanks Dee, he is a little cutie, isn't he! I hope he'll settle in well here and that I'll enjoy having him!!
      I will keep it in mind to send him to you if he's naughty!
      Three C Sections!!! That's NOT good, no wonder you stopped at three...or you'd have been asking the doctor to add a zip instead of putting stitches in!!
      Yes, that's me too...waiting on grandchildren, but they're a bit slow in coming!!

  9. Hooray, I knew you'd give in eventually (especially after having travelling Drake to stay), I did see your new baby on Shelly's site the other day, his eyes are very similar to baby Leo who is similar vintage.

    1. LOL, yes, it was inevitable I guess Anna!! It's funny but at the time, I think Drake more or less made me realise that I didn't want a baby, but I think that was because I just got him, quickly made his outfits and then sent him off again.....I was aware that there were others waiting on him visiting, so he only stayed a couple of weeks. But the urge came back, so we shall have to see how I get on!!!
      I will have to get you to take a close up of Leo when Alberto arrives and we can compare!

  10. He is just darling ! I am sure you will spoil him wonderfully with all kinds of cute clothes. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Janet!! I'm already thinking about what I'll make for him, especially now that my fabric is all organised and I know what I have!!!! Funnily enough, I have an awful lot of blue fabric, so maybe this little fellow was meant to be!!!!

  11. Congratulations! I knew that you would finally succumb one day! You won't be disappointed!

    1. Thanks Kendal! I did hold off for quite a while though, didn't I! I mean I started mentioning that I might get a baby about September time maybe? I hope I'll be really happy with him!


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