Monday 23 February 2015

Thoroughly spoilt....

Yes, that's me!  Before Christmas when my lovely hubby asked me what I'd like for my present, I casually mentioned a Sasha....but I really was only joking because the one I mentioned was a very expensive redhead Gregor on Shelly's website.  However, he took me seriously but said that if I could wait until after Christmas for him, I could get him then, because we had a lot of big expenses to pay before the end of the year.  I laughly told him that I really was only joking, the doll was far too expensive and I wouldn't want to do anything with him "just in case".  Anyway, to cut a long story short, a week or so ago hubby bought himself a new laptop and said if I wanted to get the doll to do so.  However, even though the particular doll had been reduced in price and I didn't love him any less, I decided to wait because as well as being expensive, boys don't get so much attention here as girls do.

Then Shelly updated her website!  Lo and behold there were some gorgeous No Navels on there and I fell nstantly for one of them in particular!  And thanks to my sweet hubby, she will be coming here as soon as Shelly packs her suitcase and gets her on her journey!

And here she is!  (Obviously these are NOT my photos, Shelly sent me these last week and I hope she'll not mind me sharing them....I guess she's used to it by now!)

and a close up of her sweet face....I love those pointy chins and sad looking gaze :)

And here is her description from Shelly's website:

1969 Gotz Blonde No Navel in Dreaming under the Lilacs dress set. This petite and very pretty young lady is in played with but good condition . She retains her original stringing which is in good order though she has some bulging to her right leg socket and standing is achievable but a little awkward . She has two enlarged armholes where the hooks are rubbing a restring would help with this .Her hair is thickly rooted and soft and silky with some dryness to the ends , there are four empty plugs to the nape of her neck . She has three tiny blue spots to her forehead hidden beneath her fringe . Her face paint is vibrant. She comes wearing a sweet non original outfit by Nikita with shoes by Boneka with commercially made tube socks .

You will see that she has a few issues but nothing major or that I can't deal I'm very excited to be bringing home my first No Navel Sasha.  I blame Dee though, it is definitely all her fault ;)

Now to think of a name for her, all suggestions considered :)

Happy Monday everyone :)



  1. A delightful Sasha Doll choice and your first Gotz No-navel. Very lucky YOU! What a simply great belated Christmas present.

    1. Thank you, I hope so Kendal! She has a few issues as you'll have read but none that can't be dealt with I'm sure.

  2. Ooooh fun! It's so nice to be able to treat yourself, isn't it? She does have a lovely face and she looks like she's in great condition. :)

    1. Thank you Farrah Lily, but I have my husband to thank really, it was him that got her for me....I'm currently broke having bought my new BJD last week LOL. She does indeed look to have a lovely face, I have been looking at the No Navels for ages, so hopefully will love this one :)

  3. Congratulations Sharon, she is gorgeous, I would have been tempted by her myself and would have probably asked if she's stayed around much longer! lol
    Since Brian bought her for you , you could call her Brianna ?But I think you'll have to wait until she arrives and see what name she likes!
    I am Happy to take the blame for your No Navel purchase! Lol I just so LOVE these Sasha's who have a unique look that's all their own, I am sure you are going to love her, looking forward to seeing her on your blog.
    The sun is shinning here today as if the Country's much lighter and doom and gloom has left the 'building' ! and seeing your lovely new girl just adds to the glow!!
    Hugs Dee xx

    1. Thanks Dee, and you're right, I will wait and see what name 'springs to mind' when she gets here. I hope she'll be here in a week or so but post from the UK can be very unpredictable, but we're probably going to the coast soon so I'd like to be able to take her with me.
      LOL I'm glad you're happy to take the blame for this purchase, it's seeing your lovely girls that has made me want I'm sure I will love her :)
      I'm glad you have some sunshine, we have had a dull day today but not too cold, so hopefully spring isn't far away.

  4. You got her! Just the one you liked best. Congratulations!

    As Dee says, the doom and gloom has vanished, for the time being at least, and new dolls for friends improves things even more.
    J xx

    1. I did indeed Jenni, and yes, my favourite of the three that I showed you. I had a bit of an elimination game with myself and this one came out on top each time, so she is coming to live here in Spain :)
      And yes, the doom and gloom has really gone, hasn't it and doesn't it feel nice! ;)

  5. She's lovely - what a wonderful gift! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much jSarie, I'm really happy that she's coming to live here :)

  6. So lovely, really!
    I'm sure, she will be a great model for your sewings :)

  7. She is lovely Sharon, very pleased for you :)

  8. She's gorgeous Sharon, and I fell in love with her too! I really look forward to seeing what you will do with her when she arrives. I love how all your dolls really come alive with their new clothes and wigs and makeovers.
    Lizzie M

    1. Thank you very much Lizzie M, she is sweet looking isn't she! I am really looking forward to her arriving, Shelly posted her off on Monday so maybe by next week :)

  9. She is beautiful Sharon! What a wonderful no navel and I can't wait to see how you dress her. Well done! :) xxx

    1. Thank you Ginger, I'm excited to be adopting her and hopefully she'll be home this coming week as Shelly sent her last Monday :)


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