Today we came down to the coast, we have a little place here on the Costa del Sol and have had it since July 2005, so you would think by now that I'd be able to travel light.....NOT so! I always get accused by my hubby of bringing everything except the kitchen sink. Well there's not much point bringing the kitchen sink as we already have a sink here LOL....but I admit that I don't travel so light. But I like to have something for every eventuality, so along with my clothes, I like to bring my sewing things, my Kindle and my knitting and crochet.
So hubbies luggage looks like this, one small holdall for his clothes and then his laptop:

Errrm....and mine looks like this :)

Here you will see my black suitcase packed full of clothes and four, yes four, pairs of sandals...well you just never know! Then there is my big Canon EOS 1000D camera for taking great close up photos, then there is my small Canon camera (can't remember the model number) that is easier to carry in my handbag if we go anywhere. The orange bag is my laptop...can't leave home without that! The beige bag in front is my dolly bag.....this time there are 10 tinies in there....including my Lati's and my Puki Fees, as well as Percy, my Secretdoll Person 21. Alongside that, you can just see my holdall with the Miniature Pinscher on the front....that contains my Kindle, my earphones and a few other things that I just couldn't live without!! ;)
Then there is my wooden sewing box.....can't not bring that, it has everything I need in it to sew. Oh and my sewing machine, then just ONE of my pattern folders, this time the one for small dolls.....and then behind that is my stripey holdall of fabric....I bring a lot of choices because, well you just never know, do you? And finally right over the back is my knitting and crochet bag.....Oh and hanging on my wardrobe door is my Betty Boop handbag......
Honestly, I really can't see what on earth he is complaining about, can you?!!!!!
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