Tuesday 16 April 2013

Every cloud has a silver lining.....

Yesterday did not start well.  First of all, as I walked through the town I hit my hand really hard on a stone window sill ..... it swelled up and bruised very quickly, and hurt like mad!!

Then later on in the day, as I was in the garden taking some photos of one of my dolls, I caught my shoe on something and one minute I was walking along the path and the next I was flat on my face on the hard tiled floor.  My camera hit the ground and I followed it...ramming the lens straight into my ribs, my right arm and right leg smashed into the ground and my chin landed splat on my arm!!!  It hurt so much that I cried like a baby!  Such a wimp!  But I couldn't get up, I honestly thought I'd broken my knee, it was so painful.  Anyway, Lucy, my MinPin ran and got my hubby who, along with my son, came to my rescue. 

Luckily nothing was broken, including the camera, although I have to say that it has been very painful walking since yesterday!  And I have a very sore chin too!!

Later in the day I had a dentist appointment and thought it could only get worse!  I even thought about cancelling because it had been 11 years since I'd made myself go, so I knew it would be bad!!!!  However, I'd pysched myself up to go, so off I went and I nearly fell out of the dentist's chair when she told me that I didn't need anything done!!!!!!  Only a clean!!!  She told me that my teeth are in very good condition and that my fillings, which have been there for ages, are absolutely fine!!!!!  So I had my teeth cleaned and that was it!!!

However, the really great thing is, it has now been 26 years, yes YEARS, since I've had to have anything other than a clean done at the dentist!!!!! 

I guess I must be doing something right!  So every cloud does have a silver lining!!!!

Today I had a hair appointment, so I decided to take my blond Sasha, Milly, with me in the hope that my lovely hairdresser, Loli, could trim the dry ends off her hair.  I've tried several treatments on her hair but nothing has worked and the dryness has really started to bug me as it never looks nice.  So off we went and Loli gave her hair a trim, just the ends, leaving the layers just as they are.  Once it dried I could see just how lovely it looks and the photos below will show you what I mean.   Her hair is soooo beautifully soft and shiny now....I'm so pleased that I took the plunge and took her with me!!  She didn't do a bad job on my hair either actually!!! :D

Her 'before' hair is shown in a pony tail,  the dryness of the ends is really clear to the way, that is a reflection at the top by the ribbon, NOT a bald spot!!

 And here are the 'after' photos, you can see how beautifully silky her hair now looks!


  1. What a topsy turvy day! Milly's hair looks fantastic. You definitely made the right decision.

    1. Thank you Julie! And yes, a very topsy turvy day....more topsy than turvy I think! LOL

  2. Funny how some of those days happen, but so glad it turned out only a few bruises and nothing broken.

    Good news at the dentist :-)

    Milly's hair looks fabulous now, you must be so pleased.

    1. Thanks so much Lorraine....the bruises are a lovely bunch of colours now!!!
      Thanks on Milly's hair, I'm so pleased that I had it done!

  3. Oh! What a day! Poor you....but looking on the bright side it could have been a lot worse!
    At least two good things came out of it. No dental treatment needed (wish that I could say the same of mine which are becoming a nightmare!) ....and secondly Miily's hair looks really beautiful after her trim.

    1. Thanks so much Kendal, it really was a weird day! But yes, thank goodness on the dentist...I admit I nearly fell out of the chair with shock when I didn't need anything done again!!
      I'm so glad that I took Milly to the hairdresser, her hair is so lovely and soft now!

  4. Oh, that day started out just awful!! I am so glad it improved...and Milly's hair looks lovely, too! :)

    1. Thanks so much Randomfish! Glad you like her hair too!

  5. WIN! WIN! Not only did the hairdressers trip go well but so did the dentist!! I am having to go on Friday (and definitely have to have treatment :( ) Your girl's hair looks really fab!!

    1. 'Trip' being the operative word LOL!!
      I hope your dentist trip wasn't too bad....
      And very glad you like her hair, what a result eh?

  6. Ouchy, I hope you feel better soon, sounds like you were lucky not to break anything. And wow! Milly looks amazing, I can't believe the difference in her hair (repeats to self... I will not look at Sasha dolls... I will not look at Sasha dolls...!!

    1. Thanks so much Kathryn and yes, I was really lucky. My first thought was my camera, thinking that my bones would heal but my camera is expensive to replace....then I thought it through and realised that yes, it was a real bit of luck that I didn't break my knee!!
      No, don't look at Sasha dolls! They are just as addictive as BJDs and Blythe I have to say!!

  7. Oh Sharon what a day you had! Glad nothing was broken including the camera!
    I am off to Dentist in next week or so and know that I will need something done!

    Loli did a great job on Milly's hair, just shows what a little trim can do.

    hope the bruises are fading
    hugs Dee

    1. Thanks very much Dee! Isn't her hair great!! My bruises are very colourful now! But the one on my knee is patchy although it still feels very numb and yet painful! Yes, the camera!! I would have died if I'd broken it, it's one of my prized possessions!!! LOL
      I hope your dentist trip proves to be better than you are expecting!


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