Monday 8 April 2013

Rest in Peace, Maisiedoats.....

My dear friend May, also known as Maisiedoats on Flickr, Etsy and Ebay, passed away peacefully early today in Australia.  Thankfully her three children were with her at the end. 

I will really miss May, she was a very good friend and until she became ill, we spoke every day by email.  And yet we became friends in such strange circumstances!  Many years ago I was being hassled by someone on a dolly group and May noticed it, then contacted me to offer support as she too had been hassled previously by the same person.  I realised that I was not alone and we started to chat and the rest, as they say, is history!

Because May didn't enjoy sewing and I can't knit very well, I used to make jeans and trousers for May's dolls and she would make knitted garments for mine.  I still have all of my Maisiedoats knits because I'd never seen such fine tiny stitches until I saw May's!

I am very sad at the loss of such a good and dear friend but I'm also happy to know that she is no longer suffering.  I expect there will be a whole bunch of Angels now waiting on their new beautifully knitted socks!

Rest in Peace May, you were a lovely friend and I will really miss you!


  1. What a lovely tribute to a very special friend Sharon. So sorry for your loss and of course for May's family.

  2. Sharon, what a lovely friend to May you were. I am sorry to hear that she has lost her fight for life and sorry for your loss of such a dear friend.
    If you need to chat you know where I am.
    Sending you a virtual hug xx

  3. Her knitting looks marvellous, and I'm glad she made use of the better side to online life to be supportive to you - what a great way to 'meet' and become friends. I'm sure her family will appreciate your tribute to her.

  4. I didn't know May but she sounds like such a lovely person. I'm very sorry for your loss - and of course for her family too. I'm also thankful though that you have had such a wonderful friend for all that time. She was loved and will be missed and that's all any of us can hope for when it's time to go.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. This post is a lovely tribute to her!

  6. Thank you all so much for your sweet and kind comments. They are much appreciated.
    Big hugs Sharon xx


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