Saturday 25 May 2013


Fiona is my Little Fee Ante by Fairyland in South Korea.  She has been with me for more than 4 years now, having bought her from the US back in April 2009.  I have bought and sold several other Little Fees since getting Fiona but she is the only one who I've never had the slightest inclination to sell.  She remains my only Little Fee!

Fiona is 'natural' or 'normal' skin and has a default company faceup.  She is 25cm tall and wears a 6/7 inch wig.  Her eyes are 14mm.  The Little Fee body is really made so well, as are all Fairyland dolls to be honest, their posing to second to non and the jointing system is exceptional.  I've had a lot of BJDs over the last 8 years or so and have to say that I've not come across another company with such great posing dolls.

Here is Fiona trying on the Sugar Baby Love outfit that I got recently.  I think she looks so cute in it.

And some favourite photos of her from the past...


  1. She is great Sharon as is her fabulous outfit! I have one Littlefee as well - his name is Jacob. He would love to have a friend but he is an only. I think he is the Bisou mold - photos on flickr.

  2. Love this girl! Her face is soo sweet, and I love the first outfit she is wearing is so great. She looks quite young which is lovely.

    keep all these great bjd girl's coming, it's lovely to be able to see all the different types!!

    1. Thanks so much Dee, I'm glad you enjoyed see her. Fiona is about 5 years old maximum in my mind, she has a 'babyish' look to her which I really love.

  3. Can't help but ADMIRE your little BJDs dolls, especially their delightfully trendy outfits though hope that it just stays as admiration and not become compulusive buying. Have enough to cope with my Sasha purchasing as it is!

    I do love just how poseable these dolls are.

    1. Thanks so much Kendal, I'm pleased that you enjoy seeing my BJDs and I promise not to encourage you in any way towards them!! LOL
      Sadly, as with the Sasha's, compulsive buying seems to come with the territory!!
      Yes, the posing is great fun, they can look so real sometimes. I like how Fiona sits in the last photo with her legs back like that, it reminds me of how real kids sit on the floor.

    2. I meant to add that you'll probably notice that her hands are different in the last photo too. This is another benefit I find with BJDs in that you can actually buy different hands for some of them. I find this really helpful when I want them to do different things!

  4. You know I love Fiona. She's such a sweet and special girl.


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