Tuesday 14 May 2013

My second dolly parcel....Please meet Maggie!

The contents of another one of my dolly parcels to show you!  As most of you know already, I have been looking for a brunette Sasha for a little while now and a couple of weeks ago I got a very late/early morning email from a Sasha friend of mine who couldn't sleep and so was stalking Shelly's Sasha you do!!!!  Anyway, my friend, sent me a link to a little cutie on the 'for sale' pages that she thought I might like!  And she was right! 

The little girl in question was described as a 1973/74 brunette with dark puddle eyes, her original stringing and with soft and silky non falling hair!  I was smitten!  I contacted Shelly straight away for more information and decided to go for her!  I was particularly pleased that she had non falling hair because it seems to be more common for it to be falling on the brunette girls.

Well my little girlie arrived whilst I was at the coast, so I only got to open the box yesterday on my return.  As soon as I saw her I liked her, but immediately my eye was drawn to some loose hairs in the tissue paper that she was wrapped in.  Her hair was a bit sticky and her face a little grubby so I decided to give her a gentle wash.  As I picked her up and started to remove the clothes she was wearing, so more hair began to fall out.....and at quite an alarming rate I have to say!!  I thought "oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound" as the saying goes, and gently washed her hair.  The hair came out a lot.....I'd say at least a dozen hairs just in gently swishing her hair in the bowl of water, then I carefully combed it through and more came out!  I left if dry naturally in the shade and it dried very quickly...after all it was 28c yesterday!!  As I redressed her more hairs I think we can safely say that this little girl now has falling hair.  Such a shame, as her hair really is very soft and silky!

I'd heard that this falling hair can happen quite suddenly and quickly and I can only guess that in the time she was inside the box, the lack of air circulation, or maybe the temperature change, caused it to happen like this!

Having said all that, I am very happy with her and she is almost a twin of Alex my brunette dark puddle eyed boy of the same year!!  I will have to take some photos of the pair of them together soon.

In the meantime, here are some photos that I took of her this morning.  She is wearing a smock dress and tap shorts that I made in the winter for my blond Millie.  I think the red suits her better than it does Millie, so until I make her something just for her, she is happy to wear this.  I had her socks already here and her shoes are original Sasha Mary Janes and she came home to me wearing these....they are in good condition.  She tells me her name is Margaret....but likes to be known as Maggie.  I have absolutely no idea why these names came to mums name is Margaret but God help anyone who would dare to call her Maggie!!!  Anyway, I think little Maggie has scrubbed up rather well, don't you? ;)

I took this photo of the back of her head just in case it doesn't look nice and full like this for long!!


  1. She is gorgeous and the red really suits her perfectly. Let's hope she hangs on to her hair for a long time yet!

    1. Thanks very much Lorraine....I hope so too on the hair! Although I do have a brunette wig here that might fit her, just in case!!!!!

  2. I really think that most brunette's will lose hair sooner or later , so just hope it's a slow loss. Maggie is lovely Sharon and I am sure she will soon settle in to her new sunny Spainish home.

    1. Thanks so much Dee and yes, you're right, it was inevitable really! I am more than happy with her though, so I'll enjoy her all the same...and as you say, hopefully it'll slow up, I'll just have to stop playing hairdressers!

  3. Oh Bugg*r! That said she is still absolutely lovely though Sharon!

    1. LOL, thanks so much Ronny, and well, what's a bit of hair loss between friends eh?!!

  4. Hi Sharon
    I thought I'd been conned when I bought a Sasha baby from a lady in Canada who advertized her as having 'great, non-falling brunette hair.' The poor baby arrived with tufts in the paper wrapping but loose from her head.
    Then I went to visit family in the States and bought a brunette Gregor there because he had wonderful, thick, non-falling hair. I put him my luggage and he went in the hold for the return trip. BIG mistake, his hair was brittle and had lost the shiny, healthy look when I got him home.
    It doesn't seem to happen always, but I wonder if it is because of the huge change in temperature during and after a flight?

    1. I can imagine how you felt Jenann!! If I'd bought her from anyone apart from Shelly or some of the people I've met through Sasha, I'd have wondered the same, but because of Shelly's excellent knowledge and honesty, as well as her good reputation, I just knew that it had happened en route to me! You may be right, it could well be the temperature change, plus the doll was waiting here for me all sealed in her box and it has been warm here, so that probably didn't help.
      I'm just hoping that after the initial falling, that maybe it will slow up now and she'll keep her lovely glossy hair for a long while to come!!

  5. Maggie is very cute in that red dress. Congrats Sharon.


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