Sunday 18 May 2014

Won't anyone come and play ball with me?

Ellie was a little bit fed up with herself today because she wanted to play ball with someone but there wasn't anyone wanting to play with her!  It was just too hot to be running around after a ball!

I'm loving this little girl!!!!


  1. I'm loving her too!! :)

    1. She's getting a bit of a fan club it would seem Dee! I'm glad you like her, I'm very smitten with her myself as you probably gathered.

  2. Ellie is lovely! I will play ball with you Ellie if you can come to the USA. ;) xxxx

    1. LOL nice try Ginger, but she's not going anywhere without me!!! So you'd better get that spare bed ready for me if you want her to come and play at your house! ;)
      Thanks for your nice comment though!!! :)

  3. Dare I add.....Me TOO!
    I'd love to come to play ball but it would be definitely far too hot out there for me.
    Loving her lonely little look (and poses) as she patiently waits for someone to turn up to play.....guess we've all know that sad feeling at times. Almost unbearable at the time.
    Do so hope that someone turns up very soon.......even if it's only one of those little dogs!
    Great little outfit (especially like the hat, necklace and trainers!) perfect for the occasion.

    1. Thanks very much Kendal, I know that you're not into other dolls so it is an honour indeed that you love the look of her too. I might have to bring her to the Chat n Snap in October, so that she can see her 'aunties' in the UK! ;)
      Thanks also on the outfit, she's been raiding the doll clothes box again as apart from the jeans which are new, the rest I made previously for other dolls.......that's the last they'll see of those items of clothing!!!

  4. Count me in as a member of the 'we love Ellie' club :)
    She is fab!

    1. Name added Ronny!!!! Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like her, it makes me happy to see that others like her too! :)


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