Sunday, 28 August 2011
Still at the coast and surfing.....the internet!
This morning I have been sitting on the deck in the shade surfing the internet and I just bought a Simply Vanilla Blythe with a view to customising her. I've been looking at her for ages, probably for almost a year, since she was released.....and finally saw one for a price that I couldn't she should be coming from Hong Kong very soon.
Like most dolly collectors, my interest in different dolls in my collection waxes and wanes. At the moment I am very much into my Blythe girls, particularly Heather, my Prima Dolly Heather Sky who I brought to the coast with me. She is my favourite of my 6 Blythes, probably because 1) she is tanned and I love tanned dolls and 2) she has the same name as my lovely Yellow Labrador Heather, who sadly had to be put to sleep on the 10th June 2009 at the age of 15 1/2 years. I would imagine that people think I just kept the name Heather because I either have no imagination or couldn't be bothered to think up a new name for her, but no, it is because of my late dog Heather, that this particular Blythe keeps her factory name! You couldn't find a sweeter dog or a sweeter Blythe, in my humble opinion! ;)
So whilst we've been here I have been sewing for Heather. I made her a new dress the other day and I used some fabric that was given to me many years ago by a lovely dolly friend of mine called Kati Janae. I shall never forget the day that fabric arrived. The postman came to the house with an enormous box, and for the life of me I didn't know what it was as I wasn't expecting anything. But when I opened it....well my goodness, it was like all my Christmas's and birthdays came at once! It was filled with all sorts of gorgeous fabric, patterns, buttons and trims, yarn, and sitting on top of all this was the cutest little Silvia Natterer doll!! I almost cried with happiness at such a lovely present!!! So....I used some of this fabric, finally, as I'd been saving it ... and Heather is the perfect recipient!! Here she is modelling her new 'frock'!!!
Speaking of dolly friends, it amazes me sometimes what wonderful and special friends I have made through this hobby....such lovely people who, the majority of which I have never met or am unlikely to ever do so, and yet I love them to bits and would really miss them if they weren't around! I am blessed!
Monday, 22 August 2011
A stroll around Nerja...
As usual we visited the British sweet shop and bought some 'pick and mix'.....but most of my favourites weren't available.....white chocolate mice, pink candy shrimps, white chocolate buttons with coloured dots name just a few! But Brian was happy to find that they had Aniseed balls!!
I took Heather Sky, my cute little Blythe girl with us and managed to take a few photos of her! I say 'managed' because I find it a real challenge to take a doll out of my bag and photograph it in full view of passers by.....I feel such an idiot. I so wish I was one of those people who didn't give a damn about what others think but sadly I'm not. So to get a few quick photos was great for me!!! I even had a story all made up in my head about how if anyone asked me what I was doing, so I would tell them that it was for my 'grandaughter' ... luckily no-one said a word!!!!
Here are a couple of my 'quick' photos!!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
So laid back as to be almost horizontal!
I have actually done a few things, such as Thursday we drove to Marbella, collecting Brendan and Virginia from Fuengriola on the way, they have been down there for a week staying at her parents piso. There is a large shopping centre in Marbella called La Cañada and they have a Marks and Spencers there!!!! It's not been open long and isn't a very big store but big enough for me to buy my bras....can't beat an M&S bra for confort!!! Spanish bras just leave everything either squished like two oranges ready to juice or dangling like fat sardines in a net! LOL! So from now on I will wait until I go there to buy them!
I also bought a pretty new swimsuit in the sale, it was 75% I had to snap it up! Even if the neckline does plunge a little further than I had anticipated! Shame I haven't got a cleavage because it would look really nice if I did!
Oh and some cinnamon and raisin bagels.....Lovely! I guess at a push I could stuff the front of the swimsuit with a couple of bagels!!! Ahhhh problem solved!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Relaxing and reading....
Saturday afternoon we were invited to a party as one of the neighbours have family over from the UK and wanted us to join them for their sons birthday celebrations. It was a great mix of English and Spanish neighbours, plenty of great food and lots of singing and chatting. I hadn't really wanted to go but it ended up being a really pleasant afternoon and evening, so I was glad that we had made the effort to attend. It is lovely that we can rely on the weather and have parties outside without worrying that we're going to be rained off. I can remember so many occasions in the UK where we would plan something only for it having to be cancelled at the last minute because of rain, or a barbeque which ended up with everyone squeezing into the lounge to avoid the bad weather. It certainly puts a damper on peoples enthusiasm!!
I laugh when I recall how any conversation about 'potential plans' used to start "....if the weather is nice at the weekend, perhaps we can do so and so!!" only for it to rain and we had to put it off for another day! I have to say that I do not miss those things about the UK!!!
Apart from that, I have done a bit of dolly sewing, but mostly I have been reading. I finished yet another Janet Evanovich book this morning and this afternoon I started on a book that I'm sure I've read but it was such a long time ago that nothing seems familiar. It is called The Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher and so far I am enjoying it!
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....
Had to laugh with my neighbour down here, she is a cuddly Spanish lady of middle age and she is great fun! She usually wears the tiniest of bikinis without a care in the world, I so love her confidence....I wish I had a fraction of it....though I admit that I wouldn't wear a bikini these days, I just haven't got the figure!! Anyway, she was making me die laughing, telling me how she and her hubby have had a bit of an argument over her choice of swimwear, he complained that she should be wearing something more fitting for her's hard to tell because of her 'young' outlook on life, but I guess she is in her 60s. So today she went out and bought herself an even smaller bikini....I expect I will see it tomorrow!
She also tells me that she is going to teach me to dance the Flamenco....oh boy, she hasn't realised that I have two left feet!!
Christa, my step-daughter, sent some lovely photos of Jake, her 16 month old baby.....he is such a cute and cuddly boy, we love him to bits! I'm sure she won't mind me sharing a couple of the photos on here:
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
A poem...
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
-Jenny Joseph
Hot Fuzz....
This afternoon Brendan asked me if I'd like to watch a film with him. Usually his choice of films and mine don't really match that well, LOL, but he said he was going to watch Hot Fuzz.....I didn't have a clue, basically never heard of it but he said it contained Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who were also in the film Paul, which was the story of a little Alien guy. Well I enjoyed that one a lot!
So Hot Fuzz it was and I really enjoyed it, it was very funny, every bit as much so as Paul!! I highly recommend it to anyone thinking of watching it!
Another very hot day, windy too but the wind is like a hairdryer!!
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Hair today, gone tomorrow!
Today I had a hair appointment at I got there a little early at 4.15 thinking it would be better to get it over and done with!! Thank goodness I took my ebook with me though as my hairdresser obviously works on Spanish time and didn't get started on me until well gone 5.30pm!!!
But to make up for lost time, she practically scalped me! I tell you, that hedgehog above has a whole lot more hair than me and certainly a lot less about butch! I won't be able to go out for a month!!!!
Oh well, hopefully it will be cooler tonight as last night I just could not sleep it was sooooo hot....if it wasn't for creepy crawlies, I might have taken a chair out onto the terrace and just slept there!
Monday, 8 August 2011
Yaaay, dolly package day!

Sunday, 7 August 2011
So once the Photostream was whittled down a bit, I got ready and went to Virginia's parents' cake shop....Virginia is my son Brendan's lovely girlfriend. Her parents were going to a wedding and asked if Brendan would join them at the shop because they were wary of leaving two girls on their own with the shop open until late this evening. I know that Virginia and her sister, Rocio, are more or less 'all grown up' but I could see her parents point. Our town is very safe, thankfully with a very low crime rate, but better to be safe than sorry. However, the wedding clashed with my son's favourite football team, West Ham Utd, playing their first match of the season so I volunteered to go to the cake shop instead!!! Their mum was delighted as she thought it would give the girls the perfect opportunity to practice their English!
So today I had my lunch with Virginia and Rocio, two lovely girls, and Virgy made a great lasagna from scratch....then we watched Sex in the City. It's the first ever episode of that show that I've watched and I quite enjoyed it. I think I might ask Brian to download some episodes for me to watch sometime!
Well I came away from the cake shop with four cakes....oooops! But they insisted...HONEST!!!
And here I am back on the laptop again. I've just ordered two wigs and some of those silicone wig caps from Facets by Marcia. I like ordering from Facets as Marcia never fleeces us 'foreigners' for postage and she always posts soooo quickly that packages from her have been known to arrive in as little as 4 days from the US! Plus she's a super nice friendly person too! So hopefully my Puki Fees, Luna and Ante, will have nice new wigs soon.
So no photos today......and it's another hot one, forgot to mention that. And 40C plus in Sevilla today too!
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Another hot day....
When I get a new doll I like to make an outfit particularly for that doll so that he/she has something new to wear when they arrive. Of course Gabie arrived when we were at the coast and although I did make her something before she arrived, I ended up giving that to another one of my little Lati's, Lea, so Gabie had to borrow from the other tinies when she got here. So yesterday I made her a cute white outfit, a knee length dress and matching knickerbockers....I had intended doing a bit of embroidery on the bodice of the dress as it is linen and easy to sew on, but as with all the best she got a little ladybug button instead. Oh well, she's happy!!!
Today is another hot day and I've not done anything more strenuous than a bit of tidying up in my doll/sewing room, dusting the shelves and re-arranging things. Later I took more dolly photos ..... what makes you think I'm addicted to my dolly hobby? LOL! Anyway, this time it was the turn of the Secretdoll Persons again....I'm really enjoying the tinies at the moment. I'm now down to just two MSD sized dolls, one Super Dollfie and my Dollstown Ganga with the 7 year body.....the rest of my dolls are small, and that suits me fine!
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Dolly day....

After that I took some photos of my new Secretdoll Person 8 who arrived yesterday, she was part of a trade (as I think I mentioned previously) and although I'd not originally planned having more than one Person, I think the two of them look cute together. I really like her default auburn wig, it really does suit her!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Home again, home again, jiggedy jig!
And I also wondered why there were a pair of dirty boxer shorts and one rolled up sock in the hallway!!!!
It was also a great dolly day as my little Secretdoll Person 8 arrived this evening from the Netherlands. She is a trade that I did with my friend Natasja, and I'm really really delighted with her. She and Percy will become firm friends, I'm sure!!! Photos tomorrow hopefully!
So now I have told myself "no more dolls" unless of course I sell or trade someone. But to be honest, I really do feel happy with my dolly collection as it stands at the moment, I don't have any desire to go looking for someone else! In fact, I'm proud to say that I haven't looked in the DoA marketplace for ages (OK 2 weeks!!!!)
Monday, 1 August 2011
So what have I been doing whilst not writing on here? Well I have been swimming in the sea, sunbathing on the beach and generally relaxing. I am brown as a berry from all my time in the sun, and my hair really needs cutting, it is gone very blond and streaky. I know I always said I wanted to be a Beach Bum, but I think the hair is taking it just a bit TOO far!
I finished another book last night on my Kindle, it was called Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich, another glimpse into the crazy life of Stephanie Plum the Bounty Hunter. This afternoon I started on Ms Evanovich's latest in the series, which is called Smokin' is already proving to be up to her usual laugh out loud standard!
Yesterday I made three Lati Yellow sized dresses and today I attempted to knit a Blythe cardigan. That didn't come to anything as by the 4th row I already had gained stitches......I really am soooo knitting challenged, it is so frustrating. Why is it that I can't follow a knitting pattern? What part of my brain cannot function correctly when reading a simple set of knitting instructions? Answers on a postcard please to the usual address! Thank goodness for friends like Maisiedoats who can knit things for me!!!
Yesterday I also took some photos of my Lati Yellows, Puki Fees and Persephone, my Secretdoll Person is a group shot of my Lati family, minus Lati Green Lea who didn't come to the beach with us:
I find it very difficult to photograph groups of dolls....especially small little dolls like these as they tend to not want to sit still for long! LOL ;)
Aside from dolly thingies, I bought a pretty cotton sarong for just 3 euros in the sale....can't beat that for a bargain!
Apart from that, nothing much else to write today, so I shall sign off for now!
Hugs to any dolly friends who take the time to read my ramblings!