Sunday 6 January 2013


I spent much of yesterday and more time this morning, working on a faceup for a friend of mine in California.  The facemould to start with has been a bit of a challenge as it I feel it looks neither one gender or the other, although it is supposed to be a little girl.  Because I wanted her to look more girly, it has taken me a while to start on her and to really know what colours to use.  I didn't really want to use anything too strong, after all, this is a 'child' doll, but I though too neutral would make her look too boyish.

So finally I thought I'd got it right and gave her a final coat of MSC (Mr Super Clear flat) sealant before adding the varnish and then later the eyelashes.  Then just as I was adding some tiny freckles so I noticed a little speck of dust on her face which I touched with my finger, only for a big patch of MSC to come away from the face!!  It brought with it the layers of blush from underneath and now I have had to remove the whole lot and will be starting over again tomorrow.

Arrrrgggggh!  All that work wasted!  I can only think that the MSC was a bit cold as although I shook it really well, it had been standing in the shade in the garden.  I even tested it before spraying and thought it was fine, but obviously not!

Oh well, tomorrow is another day!!


  1. Gutted was a very polite way to describe how you were feeling when you touched her face with your finger Sharon :) Sorry you have had to start again, bad enough when it is for yourself but when it belongs to someone else it is even more of a disaster!

    1. LOL, yes VERY polite!!! And you're right, when it's someone else's doll it's even more scary!!

  2. I understand how you feel. So frustrating! I'm sending you some big hugs!

    1. Thanks so much Lene. Thankfully she is now all done and ready to go home! Yeaah!


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