Monday 7 January 2013

Yeaaah, a good dolly day!

Today I have been very busy dolly-wise, firstly starting AND finishing the faceup that I've been doing for my friend Joanie in California.  The faceup was finished without further incident and now I'm just hoping that she'll like her little Californian girl!!!

As I had all the faceup stuff out, I decided that I would finally redo the lips on my tiny Elf Elly Eomji.  Eomji, who is just 5.7 inches tall, has been with me since November 2008 and when she arrived from Dollmore, I wasn't keen on her lips, so I redid them.  I wasn't totally satisfied, but because her lips are so small, I decided to leave them as they were.

So today I finally redid them in a more appropriate colour for such a small doll.  However, that wasn't all.  Whilst I had her wig and headcap off, I decided to change her eyes.  In all the time she's been here, she's never had her eyes changed, I had one other pair in this size, 6mm, and got them ready to insert.  The old eye putty completely crumbled when taking out her old eyes, they'd been in there that long!  Whilst the eyes were out, I decided to apply some upper eyelashes as she looked a bit 'bald' without them.  That was a challenge.  The eyeholes are sooooo tiny!  But finally, after getting a lot of glue on myself, I got the tiny little lashes in.  Once they were in, well the eyes were a doddle to insert! 

I also added some extra blush.  So here she is!  Looking very cute with her Chihuahua which was a gift for one of my Sasha girls from my friend Ronny in the UK....thank you Ronny!!!


  1. What a cutie! She looks lovely.

    1. Thank you very much Lorraine, glad you like her!

  2. So much detail for someone so tiny. Gorgeous.


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