Sunday 20 January 2013

Spoilt...or what!!!! Just had to share!

I just had to share this photo which I took on my iphone a couple of nights ago.  It was about 4am and I went for a quick visit to the loo (if I were more polite I'd say that I went to the 'Ladies Room' to 'powder my nose'....but you'd all think I'd lost the plot doing that in the middle of the night....

Anyway, I digress, I went to the loo and what do I find on my return????  A little black Chihuahua called Yoda, has decided to make herself comfy, not only in my space in the bed, but with the covers tucked up under her chin...and her head on MY pillow!!!!!!  And she drawls!!!!!


  1. LOL Clearly the moment you get up, that spot is hers! :D

    1. So it would seem....wouldn't mind so much if she didn't snore like an engine and .... drool!!!

  2. Oh this did make me laugh Sharon!! Reminds me why we haven't got dogs, I like my bed to myself!!!

    1. The only benefit is that they are like little living hot water bottles!!!
      And you could always shove the dog in with Angus!!

    2. Oh he'd love that (not!!!) Good point about hot water bottles though, they wouldn't need warming up when they go cold!

  3. Oh how gorgeous is that? Cooper sleeps in my daughter's room/bed - he gets special treatment because he is little and feels the cold. The Bassets and the frog dogs just get their own dog beds...could you imagine sleeping with a basset (no room) and french bulldogs have wind :)

    1. LOL on the WINDY Frenchies!!! Our Labrador used to sneak on to the bed sometimes, years ago, but her sneaking was like unleasing an elephant onto the mattress...she'd get on, we'd almost fall off the other side! Chihuahuas do love their space though and if they do get onto the bed, they keep pushing and pushing until you're hanging over the edge!!!

  4. How delightful! Will surely be a moment and photo to remember.
    Noticing that the other human member in the bed is still sleeping soundly blissfully unaware of you getting out, the doggie occupant snuggling in and camera/mobile flash. Typical male!
    Sasha love from Kendal.

    1. Yes, who is that person in MY bed....asks Yoda!!! Oh let me tell you Kendal, my husband has got 'blissfully UNaware" down to a fine art when it comes to the dogs at night. I'm up and down like a yoyo and he claims that he didn't hear them once.....yeah right!!!

    2. I've developed that skill with Angus!! It may have started when he was a baby, I can't remember, but if he comes into our room he always goes to David and I never even know!!!! Honest ;-)

  5. LOL Isn't that just typical? I think you should be glad it's a Chihuahua and not a Sct Bernard.


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